July 24, 2004
Dictionary.com Word of the Day (July 24, 2004)
sciolism \SY-uh-liz-uhm\, noun:Posted by Orrin Judd at July 24, 2004 7:31 AMSuperficial knowledge; a superficial show of learning. [...]
Sciolism comes from Late Latin sciolus, "a smatterer," from diminutive of Latin scius, "knowing," from scire, "to know."
Thanks for the WOTD, Orrin!
Posted by: Bruce Cleaver at July 24, 2004 7:37 AMSciolism is actually perfect for the Internet.
In the past, to adequately participate in a discussion, one needed to know a subject well.
Now, with Google and its ilk, one merely needs to know what questions to ask, in order to uncover a wealth of references.
A sciolic education can provide the questions.