July 22, 2004
Ronstadt, Moore together in LV? (Norm Clarke, 7/22/04, Las Vegas Review-Journal)
"It's a real conflict for me when I go to a concert and find out somebody in the audience is a Republican or fundamental Christian. It can cloud my enjoyment. I'd rather not know." -- Ronstadt, in a San Diego Union-Tribune interview
Are these people aware that every time they open their mouths it makes most of us wish John Ashcroft actually were getting rid of the 1st Amendment?
Posted by Orrin Judd at July 22, 2004 9:16 PM
Rondstadt probably considers herself a caring, compassionate person who is against hate.
Posted by: Brandon at July 23, 2004 9:20 AMShe's speaking as if she were the paying customer, rather than the paid performer. It's about the customers' enjoyment, not yours, you narcissist!
The irony is, that many people, including yours truly, cannot listen to Ronstadt (megaditto, of course, for Barbra Streisand) without feeling the very conflict she speaks of.
Posted by: Nicholas Stix at July 23, 2004 1:03 PM