July 24, 2004
Source: Berger took classified Mideast 'peace' docs: Former Clinton adviser shaped policy some believe led to Intifada (Aaron Klein, July 24, 2004, WorldNetDaily.com)
Former National Security Adviser Samuel Berger, who this week admitted to taking classified terrorism documents from the National Archives, also was found in possession of a small number of classified papers containing his handwritten notes from Middle East peace talks during the Clinton administration, according to a source familiar with the investigation.Posted by Orrin Judd at July 24, 2004 5:48 PMAlthough the Mideast notes are not the main focus of the current criminal probe, the source says their removal may shed further light on Berger's intentions. The Mideast notes were allegedly taken from the National Archives along with classified documents that officials say may paint the Clinton administration's handling of the al-Qaida threat in a negative way.
"Berger was heavily involved in several Israeli-Palestinian initiatives in the 1990s, and in Clinton's seeing Arafat and the Palestinians as negotiating partners, all leading to Camp David, which many now regard as a huge policy mistake that culminated in the violence still raging," said the source.
Many American and Israeli political experts have in recent years blasted Clinton's approach to Mideast peacemaking, and some have openly blamed his administration's policies -- seeking major Israeli territorial concessions in exchange for promises of peace by the Palestinian Authority -- as factors in Arafat's decision to launch the Intifada.
Clinton also famously helped turn Arafat's image from guerilla leader to statesman, inviting the PLO president to the White House more times than he did any other world leader.
There is a theory that Bill or someone in his employ put out this leak to hurt Kerry or, somehow, Bush. It would be interested (assuming this is true) that it backfired and brought Bill down as well.
Posted by: AWW at July 24, 2004 11:04 PM