July 6, 2004


New UNAIDS Report Unveils Latest Global Epidemic Trends (Press Release, UNAIDS, July 6th, 2004)

UNAIDS warned that the number of people living with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, has risen in every region of the world and last year five million people became newly infected with HIV -- more people than any previous year.

These findings are contained in the 2004 UNAIDS Report of the global AIDS epidemic, released today in advance of the XV International AIDS Conference, to be held in Bangkok from 11-16 July 2004. The new report represents the most accurate picture of AIDS to date due to the more comprehensive country surveillance data and improved methods for estimating HIV rates.

“Despite increased funding, political commitment and progress in expanding access to HIV treatment over the past two years, the AIDS epidemic continues to outpace the global response, “ said Dr Peter Piot, UNAIDS Executive Director, at the press launch of the report.

Since the 2002 AIDS Conference in Barcelona, more than nine million people have become infected and six million have died of AIDS. “These numbers demonstrate the enormity of the challenge in both preventing millions of infections and treating those living with HIV,” added Dr Piot. “Until we recognize AIDS as the development and security issue of our time, we will not succeed in beating the epidemic.” [...]

Although global spending on AIDS has increased 15-fold from US$300 million in 1996 to just under US$5 billion in 2003, it is less than half of what will be needed by 2005 in developing countries. According to newly revised costing estimates, an estimated US$12 billion (up from US$10 billion) will be needed by 2005 and US$20 billion by 2007 for prevention and care in low- and middle-income countries.[...]

Key obstacles and challenges to mounting effective national AIDS responses include AIDS-related stigma and discrimination, lack of human and institutional capacity, and lack of donor coordination.

If this is the only approach we can think of to a disease that is one hundred per cent preventable, why would we think we can’t just buy off terrorism?

Posted by Peter Burnet at July 6, 2004 8:36 PM

Need we any other indicator that the "social
constructivist" crowd has essentially created
this "epidemic". If we all went around eating
raw meat or eggs we'd get E.COLI and SELMONELLA.
Do we have a societal epidemic of the two???

This is why I don't trust bush, because he either
buys this epidemic B.S. or he's cynical enough
to through money at it for political reasons.

Posted by: J.H. at July 7, 2004 10:40 AM

Where is Abstinence and Being faithful? The A & B of the ABC (condoms) which have so helped Uganda.

The truth is that Christian morality reduced AIDs better than any other program. Objectively.

Posted by: Tom Grey at July 7, 2004 11:10 AM