July 14, 2004
In Wisconsin, Bush Stresses Tax Cuts and 'Liberation' (DAVID STOUT, 7/14/04, NY Times)
President Bush campaigned today in a politically hospitable area of Wisconsin, a state he narrowly lost four years ago, and asked the voters to give him four more years to advance his policies of tax cuts and a strong foreign policy."We saw war and grief arrive on a quiet September morning," Mr. Bush said. "We pursued the terrorist enemy across the world. We've captured or killed many of the key leaders of the Al Qaeda network. We will stay on the hunt until justice is served and America is safe." [...]
"We confronted the dangers of state-sponsored terror and the spread of weapons of mass destruction," Mr. Bush said. "We acted against two of the most violent and dangerous regimes on Earth. We liberated over 50 million people. Once again America is proud to lead the armies of liberation."
Posted by Orrin Judd at July 14, 2004 8:16 PM
Haven't seen any polls but Wisconsin should be a pick up for Bush given that he barely lost it four years ago.
Posted by: AWW at July 14, 2004 10:36 PMIf the media does its job correctly, this election is over already. The big media won't report what the President actually says. They will miss quote him in order to discredit him. Remember the template, Bush is BAD; Kerry is GOOD!
Posted by: Paul at July 14, 2004 11:27 PM