July 26, 2004
Kerry's angry base (Robert Novak, July 26, 2004, Townhall)
What makes this Democratic National Convention look like the most unified such assemblage in the party's fractious history is a universal loathing for George W. Bush. That is the very emotion that John Kerry's high command recognizes it must avoid playing to as the presidential nominee is presented to the nation this week.One of Sen. Kerry's closest and most influential advisers put it to me this way over the weekend: "We can turn this convention into a nonstop Bush-bashing rally, and everybody will be happy. But we already have those votes. If we do that, we end up with 42 percent of the vote and lose the election."
This situation points to needle-threading that will be necessary in Boston this week.
Given that the economy, incumbency, and other factors make the election unwinnable they run a terrible risk if they fail to massage the base--they could end up struggling just to hold that 42%. In that case they'll face a congressional meltdown. It's worth recalling that George H. W. Bush's high point in the polls in '92 came after Pat Buchanan's speech. Posted by Orrin Judd at July 26, 2004 3:51 PM
Wasn't this sort of thing called "Hate Week" in Airstrip One, Oceania, 1984?
Posted by: Ken at July 26, 2004 8:02 PMKerry's decision on this point was well advised. This convention's screenplay was written in Holywood.
The election is being staged by the left-wing main stream media and I hope the rest of us have the votes to stop the putsch. Surely there must be a number of Democrat voters who can see where this is going and will bolt.
Posted by: genecis at July 27, 2004 11:54 AM