July 30, 2004


U.N. Calls for Sudan to Halt Attacks by Militias (WARREN HOGE, 7/30/04, NY Times)

The Security Council passed a resolution today that threatens the Sudanese government with punitive measures if it does not disarm and prosecute Arab militias who have forced black Africans off their land in the Darfur region through a campaign of killing, rape and pillage.

The vote on the United States-crafted resolution was 13 to 0 with China and Pakistan abstaining. [...]

John C. Danforth, the American ambassador to the United Nations and a former Bush administration special envoy to Sudan, told the council that it had long been his hope to see Sudan emerge as a "model of ethnic reconciliation."

"The last thing we wanted to do was lay the groundwork for sanctions," he said. "But the government of Sudan has left us no choice."

"It has done the unthinkable. It has fostered an armed attack on its own civilian population. It has created a humanitarian disaster. So the resolution we have just adopted is our necessary response if we are to save the people of Darfur."

The measure, cosponsored by Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Chile and Romania, also places an immediate arms embargo on all fighters in Darfur and calls on the government to end all restrictions on relief workers and equipment in the area.

Pakistan and China said they abstained out of concern that Sudan was not given enough time to live up to its commitments and that outside action would be complicating rather than helpful.

China and Pakistan recognize a precedent being created.

Posted by Orrin Judd at July 30, 2004 6:31 PM

Pakistan doesn't want to be next, and China has oil investments in Sudan. Odd that the left isn't complaining about Chinese duplicity (more blood for oil?!).

Posted by: jim hamlen at July 30, 2004 8:15 PM

Odder to see Orrin rooting for the U.N.

Santayana said history repeats tragedy as farce.

He lived too early. Now we see farce repeated as farce. The only question remaining is who will take the role of Haile Selassie?

Posted by: Harry Eagar at July 31, 2004 2:40 PM