July 8, 2004
Since the Edwards' selection, Matt Drudge has been running photos of Kerry and Edwards in a variety of embraces. I thought this was just good clean fun, but Drudge has now collected these pictures into an album that makes you go "hmmm . . ."
Posted by David Cohen at July 8, 2004 11:06 AMGreat . . . another mental image I really don't need!
Posted by: Mike Morley at July 8, 2004 11:58 AMYesterday for a short time, a headline was cleverly juxtaposed over one of the 'embracing' photos that read something like "ACLU to Push for Gay Marriage Rights"
Posted by: John Resnick at July 8, 2004 12:18 PMI start to see clearly now, why Kerry chose Edwards. Like Raoul said the other day, Edwards is, if nothing else, appropriately short.
I liked that cute one with the pat on the cheek.
That's a facial type cheek I referring to.
Posted by: h-man at July 8, 2004 1:28 PMI'm a little surprised at how little a bounce Kerry is getting from the Edwards VP announcement. Drudge links to Zogby's 2 or 3 points.
Posted by: pchuck at July 8, 2004 1:50 PMI think he got so little bounce because so many people were expecting it. (Although, I gotta say, few of us were expecting to see Kerry and Edwards go a-courting with such ardor.)
Nearly everyone in Blue America was calling for this ticket (save a few union thugs and Tom Vilsek), and everyone knows exactly what Edwards brings to Kerry: good hair, a bright and shiny smile, a winning personality, a passably entertaining stump speech, and little else.
It was like the fed rate change. The markets had already figured it in, and went ho-hum.
Posted by: H.D. Miller at July 8, 2004 2:26 PM"Drudge has now collected these pictures into an album that makes you go "hmmm . . ."
or yeeech.
Posted by: Robert Schwartz at July 8, 2004 2:55 PMI may be reading too much into this, but doesn't Edwards look uncomfortable with all this?
Posted by: David Cohen at July 8, 2004 3:49 PMI agree with the above that the little bounce (so far) for Kerry is that Edwards was the most probably pick. The GOP pollster has come out and predicted Kerry could be up by 15 or so after the convention. If Kerry gets little bounce out of the convention or doesn't get up by 15 it could be a bad sign for the Dems.
Posted by: AWW at July 8, 2004 3:50 PMDavid:
I don't think Edwards is so much uncomfortable as he is overwhelmed - the next 4 months are going to be pure hell. I can't imagine that Edwards 'likes' Kerry that much (and we know Kerry despises Edwards), but even more, he has hitched his star to a long-shot boor. Plus, he knows that Kerry is not going to play in NC. Edwards himself would not have been re-elected.
I have wondered why Edwards tacked so far left after voting to fight in Iraq. It is too easy to say he did that just to survive in the primaries. He had Lieberman and Graham on his right, and while he ran an upbeat (positive) campaign, he did not say anything to stand out. His "Two Americas" speech impressed only the leeches like Carville and the media; it obviously did not resonate with the public, or he would have beaten Kerry in several contests and been more of a force. I suppose the lesson here is that Edwards is no Clinton, who would not have squandered all this positive spin.
Of course, Edwards could just be tense because he is now Hillary's enemy du jour.
Posted by: jim hamlen at July 8, 2004 4:05 PMJim: You raise an interesting question. Why are we suddenly so in love with the losers? McCain and Edwards both seem to have used losing to make their reputations.
Posted by: David Cohen at July 8, 2004 4:19 PMWell, McCain is loved by the press (especially cable TV), but I doubt if the Republican base loves him. He is respected (I think), although not loved. For those who look closely enough, he is also still hawking himself, despite his namesake campaign finance bill (people forget that McCain chaired the Senate Commerce Committee that passed the 1996 Telecommunications bill which led, to a large degree, right to the stock bubble of 1998-2000). I think McCain views himself as a 4th branch of government, which is why he won't criticize Kerry, despite the obvious vulnerabilities. If McCain becomes more partisan, his stature in the press will diminish.
Edwards reminds me of the cool kid at the junior high dance, the one who knows how to get the girls to pay attention to him. He doesn't have to do anything, just hang out and talk a little. But when it comes time to play football, to sponsor an activity, or just to raise some Cain (like most junior high boys), Edwards is nowhere to be found.
The press plays them up because it wants to put down the 'bigger' candidates. Who knows how much credibility McCain and Edwards really have with the general public? We won't find out from the press, that's for sure. Katie Couric may love them, but what about Peoria?
However, I think the weaknesses and limitations of the primary season are more obvious this year than ever before. John Kerry swept the Democratic field, but who really likes him? Anyone? He has spurned each and every part of the 'coalition' - minorities, labor, feminists, etc. What is his base? Even the Democrats in MA don't like him. His assumption of the nomination mantle still amazes me.
Posted by: jim hamlen at July 8, 2004 4:53 PMLooks like the ULTIMATE flip-flop to me, if you know what I'm sayin'.
Posted by: Rick T. at July 8, 2004 5:19 PMWill they get together for a Rockettes-style kick-line tonight at Radio City?
Posted by: David Hill, The Bronx at July 8, 2004 7:06 PMI don't remember commenting on Edwards physical stature, but I still think he's The Dan Quayle for a New Generation.
Posted by: Raoul Ortega at July 9, 2004 12:16 AMWell, as we all know, the Democrats are proud supporters of the invert-rights movement...
Posted by: Matt at July 9, 2004 3:26 AMWe certainly seem to have a different Kerry since he is with Edwards. He has become so animated and cutesy all the time. He is always laughing and smiling and acting so energetic. He is also real touchy and feely now. He never appeared that way to me before. What gives?!?!?!?
Posted by: kitty at July 12, 2004 12:10 AM