July 15, 2004


Kerry Asks Sen. Clinton to Speak at DNC (RON FOURNIER, 7/15/04, AP)

John Kerry has asked Hillary Rodham Clinton to introduce her husband, former President Clinton, on the first night of the Democratic National Convention, giving her a speaking role that Democrats had sought for the New York senator.

Posted by at July 15, 2004 6:50 PM

You were right about him folding within 24 hours!

Posted by: George at July 15, 2004 7:01 PM

George: 24 hours was a given.

oj: What is the result (if the time of the announcement is knowable) on your noon over/under?

Posted by: Fred Jacobsen (San Fran) at July 15, 2004 7:12 PM

I posted on the original thread that the "over" won, based on the first AP wire copy I could find, which was about 5:30 p.m.

I'm disapponted. I really thought after nearly six months of campaigning as the party's de facto presidential nominee, Kerry could flip-flop faster than that...

Posted by: John at July 15, 2004 8:12 PM

John: Darn, I had the under. I'm usually pretty good at these wagers (e.g. I had the under in my Hollywood marriage pool that Nicholas Cage/Lisa Marie Presley would be finished before six months).

Posted by: Fred Jacobsen (San Fran) at July 15, 2004 8:53 PM

On May 11, 2004, John Kerry failed to show up to vote in the senate to extend unemployment benefits to hundreds of thousands of people out of work because of President Bush's foolish economic, tax and trade policies. This bill failed to pass by ONLY ONE VOTE! – John Kerry’s. Moneybags Johnny couldn't make it because he was much too busy campaigning in Kentucky - a state with terribly high unemployment.

Senator Kerry spends more time politicking and making jokes about how nice his hair is than he does actually taking care of his senatorial duties. The man has missed 75% of the votes and has cost his state millions upon millions of dollars. Now he wants to do the same for the nation.

Bush is a decisive idiot who is financially ruining this country but Mr. Kerry is a shameless liar who falsely prides himself on his superior intellect. So what are we going to do with these two gentlemen?

Personally, I'm voting for a 3rd party candidate. A third party candidate won’t get elected but a protest vote is very important nonetheless. Voting for a third party candidate could have far more impact than supporting status quo politicians.

Don't throw your vote away by voting for either the selfish gigolo multimillionaire Kerry or the monkey-brained Mt. Bush.

Posted by: bill at July 16, 2004 8:37 PM


Bush was graduated from both Yale and Harvard - were you?

Posted by: jim hamlen at July 16, 2004 9:41 PM