February 19, 2004


Kerry and Edwards Square Off as Dean Abandons Campaign (ADAM NAGOURNEY and  DAVID M. HALBFINGER, 2/19/04, NY Times)

Mr. Edwards, a first-term senator from North Carolina, noted that Mr. Kerry, a four-term senator from Massachusetts, voted in the Senate for the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1993. Mr. Edwards asserted that he would have voted against it had he been in the Senate. He said he would, as president, renegotiate the treaty to provide protections for American workers.

In Ohio, one of 10 states that vote on March 2, Mr. Kerry declared that he and Mr. Edwards held indistinguishable positions on future trade agreements. Mr. Kerry was preparing to return to Washington to accept the endorsement of the A.F.L.-C.I.O., an event his aides asserted would help rebut Mr. Edwards's challenge on this issue in states like Ohio, as well as California and New York, which also vote on March 2.

"We have the same policy on trade — exactly the same policy," Mr. Kerry said, campaigning in Dayton, where he stood in front of a huge banner that read, "John Kerry: Protecting America's Jobs."

"He voted for the China trade agreement; so did I," he said, referring to legislation that granted China permanent normal trade relations.

"And we, both of us, want to have labor agreements and environment agreements as part of a trade agreement, so it's the exact same policy," Mr. Kerry said, before registering a note of skepticism about Mr. Edwards's commitment on the issue.

"Well, he wasn't in the Senate back then," Mr. Kerry said. "I don't know where he registered his vote, but it wasn't in the Senate."

There's a frontrunner strategy for you: My opponent and I are indistinguishable!

Posted by Orrin Judd at February 19, 2004 9:08 AM

For a guy who's not liked by anyone, it might not be a bad approach to say he's indistinguishable from the more personable candidate. :)

Posted by: kevin whited at February 19, 2004 11:17 AM

For a guy who's not liked by anyone, it might not be a bad approach to say he's indistinguishable from the more personable candidate. :)

Posted by: kevin whited at February 19, 2004 11:19 AM

I want to watch the two of them debate, just to hear Kerry answer a question with, "What he said".

Now, you might wonder whether such a tactic can work in the general election. However, Kerry seems prepared to try. According to this story he describes his position on gay marriage thusly: "I have the same position Vice President Dick Cheney has."

Could work. But if Bush dumps Cheney, is there a spot for him on the Dem ticket?


Posted by: Tom Maguire at February 19, 2004 1:53 PM