February 28, 2004
From go-go to ga-ga (Margaret Wente, The Globe and Mail, 28/02/04)
My girlfriends and I often wonder if we're going gaga. Although our minds are razor-sharp, we've noticed that we suffer from increasingly alarming lapses. The other day I left behind the $500 I had just extracted from the cash machine. I zipped in and out of there with such efficiency that I didn't even miss my money until the day after, when I reached into my pleasantly fat wallet and found nothing but a wad of old grocery-store receipts.It's comforting to blame these mental slips on overtasking. We lead busy, busy lives, and our brains are buzzing with big ideas and too much to do. We've got lots of weighty matters on our minds — global warming, government corruption, whether Calphalon cookware is better than All-Clad, and how soon Barbara might leave Conrad now that he might go down the tubes. No wonder we occasionally find ourselves in the middle of the Staples store and can't remember why we're there.
But secretly, I know that overtasking's not to blame for this depressing deterioration of our faculties. Turning 50 is to blame. That's when the laws of entropy kick in with a vengeance. Around the time you find that first stout hair sprouting from your chin, you begin to lose your glasses when they're sitting on your own head. After you turn 50, it is dangerous to think about more than one thing at a time. If you do, you will drive right past your own street on the way home from work, the one where you've lived for 15 years.
Permit me a short, self-regarding moment. The other day I left the courthouse so excited about my brilliant victory in a bitter motion that I forgot my boots, but not my coat beside them. I was going to retrieve them yesterday, but I forgot. Beneficent science assures me and my Boomer colleagues excitedly that there is no reason we can’t break all-time longevity records and be productive members of society well into our seniorities. I sure hope I’ll be able to find the office.
Congratulations on the win.
I'd be glad to follow you around just in case you leave $500 at the ATM.
Oh, wait, that's $500 Canadian. Never mind.
Posted by: David Cohen at February 28, 2004 8:58 AMMs. Wente's problem of leaving spare cash lying around ATMs will be solved once she forgets her PIN number...
Posted by: John at February 28, 2004 9:36 AMTo fight memory loss, try eating a cup of blueberries daily, whether fresh, frozen, or canned.
It works well for old rats.
Posted by: Michael Herdegen at February 28, 2004 9:49 AMA solution that works pretty well for me, is redundancies. I leave lots of notes around to remind me of things, even put post-its on the dashboard.
Also putting things back where they belong immediately (it's good exercise as well).
Never depend on remembering things, always have a backup. It's not perfect, but it's better than aimlessly wandering around wondering what you're looking for.
Posted by: erp at February 28, 2004 10:18 AMGreat advice, but my well-under-fifty wife is demanding to know why the house is covered in post-its indicating where we put the blueberries.
Posted by: Peter B at February 28, 2004 10:38 AMI've been this way since I was a child. Unfortunately it is hereditary, my daughter has the gene. We drive my wife crazy.
I always flip my glasses up on top of my head when I am not using them, otherwise I will lose them. I often look for them while they are sitting there on my head.
Earlier this year I pulled out of the gas station without remembering to remove the gas nozzle from the car's fillup port. Yanked the nozzle and hose right off the pump. Talk about embarrasing!
Posted by: Robert Duquette at February 28, 2004 11:45 AMNow in my mid 50's its not memory problems that bother me. Its the physical problems. Ligaments that pop without notice for no good reason. I have rehabed both rotator cuffs in the last 3 years. Blood pressure. on and on and on.
Posted by: Robert Schwartz at February 28, 2004 3:29 PM"As people get older, their hard drive kind of fills up..." -- some newspaper comic strip I saw last year
Posted by: Ken at March 1, 2004 12:55 PM