February 14, 2004

HOW MY POOR HEART ACHES (via Kevin Whited):

Presence of Army agents stirs furor: Roster sought of attendees at UT meeting on Islam (JANET ELLIOTT, 2/14/04, Houston Chronicle)

University of Texas law students and professors are questioning the actions of two Army intelligence agents who roamed the school halls Monday looking for a roster of attendees at a recent conference on Islamic law and sexism. [...]

Jessica Biddle, a third-year law student from Houston, was questioned by Special Agent Jason Treesh in the office of the Texas Journal of Women and the Law, where she is co-editor. The journal had donated money for the conference and reserved a courtroom at the law school for the Feb. 4 event.

"I thought it was outrageous. He was intimidating and was using the element of surprise to try to get information out of us, which was wholly inappropriate," Biddle said. "The conference was an academic conference, totally benign and not focused on foreign policy."

If it's benign why worry about them getting the list?

Posted by Orrin Judd at February 14, 2004 12:16 PM

Maybe they are not so much worried as angered.

They have a right to be.

You should be angry, too.

Your tax dollars at work.

Posted by: Harry Eagar at February 14, 2004 3:59 PM


Islam can't be both your mortal enemy and something you don't care about keeping tabs on. Especially given university ties to radicalism.

But if you mean worries about Islam are foolish then you're right.

Posted by: oj at February 14, 2004 5:37 PM

Gee why spend money checking college meetings of Islamic types or even flight schools? Couldn't our tax dollars be better spent on things like funding the UN to improve our security? I mean look at the fine job they done preventing the spread of nuclear weapons.

Perhaps someone can explain to me why it is academia is so nervous about the government observing a beign meeting.

Posted by: James Longstreet at February 15, 2004 12:32 AM

So lemme get this right-- it's known that Islamists use legitimate organizations as front groups for their activities. The attacks of September 11 were due in part to an intellegence failure. Checking on people who attend a meeting is a function of intellegence, including seeing if certain people showed up who might or might not be of interest. There may have been a tip to watch certain people. It may also have been attempt to spook someone into making a mistake. If there's another attack, the same people squawking about this will be in the lead to blame the current administration for another intellegence failure. So what's the problem?

I'm angry that my dollars are being used to employ fools like this Biddle person, who despite the appearance of an education, still thinks that "army intellegence" is an hilarious oxymoron.

Posted by: Raoul Ortega at February 15, 2004 12:32 AM

Gee why spend money checking college meetings of Islamic types or even flight schools? Couldn't our tax dollars be better spent on things like funding the UN to improve our security? I mean look at the fine job they done preventing the spread of nuclear weapons.

Perhaps someone can explain to me why it is academia is so nervous about the government observing a beign meeting.

Posted by: James Longstreet at February 15, 2004 12:33 AM

Academia wants to believe that it lives in a protected bubble of privacy, and can escape the sort of normal public scrutiny that everyone else in society is subject to. Somehow they think that everything they say gets a free pass under the rubric of intellectual freedom.

Posted by: Robert Duquette at February 15, 2004 12:44 AM

Army intelligence officer talks to a law student who "co-edits" the "Texas Journal of Women and the Law." Surely the stooge of the white male hetero-patriarchy wasn't expecting cooperation from such an enlightened womyn, so it was obviously all for the sake of intimidating the differently-colored and differently-plumbing-endowed, especially the adherents of the Religion of Peace.

What does that sign on Clarence Thomas's desk say?

Posted by: Random Lawyer at February 15, 2004 3:18 PM

O come off it. With mosques on every corner, I find it hard to believe that Islamists are holding their subversive meetings on college campuses.

Besides, we have a pretty good idea about how much useful intelligence this sort of thing generated in the past. None.

Posted by: Harry Eagar at February 15, 2004 10:13 PM
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