February 26, 2004
FOLLOW THE MONEY (via Mike Daley):
Bush Leads in Providing Fund - Raising Info (THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, 2/26/04)
President Bush, often criticized by Democrats for his record-breaking fund raising, provides far more information about how and when his re-election campaign collects cash than Democratic hopefuls John Kerry or John Edwards. [...]The Kerry campaign released a list to the media in October. Even though Kerry is the winner of 18 of 20 contests, spokesman Michael Meehan said there is no need to update the list of $50,000-and-up volunteer fund-raisers because the front-runner hasn't gained any big givers since the fall.
"In a way there's an irony to this, and the irony is the Democrats are the ones beating up on Bush about this stuff, but they're the guys who have the least disclosure,'' said Frank Clemente, a spokesman for Public Citizen, a campaign finance watchdog group that has posted the Bush and Kerry lists of fund-raising volunteers on a Web site.
Clemente said Bush was the only one doing a "halfway decent'' job disclosing details of his fund-raising practices to the public, while Kerry was doing "a half-baked job'' and Edwards is "failing.''
You don't really need to see their info to know what it would say: Mr. Kerry's money comes from fiddling with his wife's finances and Mr. Edwards gets his from trial lawyers. Posted by Orrin Judd at February 26, 2004 11:43 PM
If I recall Bush was better about disclosing his fund-raising vs Gore in 2000.
I'm surprised Clemente made the statement - the usual CFR types assume Dems are clean and Repubs are dirty
CFR? I thought Public Citizen was one of the Nader-affiliated groups ... if this statement does come with Ralph's blessing, maybe he does find a difference between the two parties, and that could be why he's running again.
Posted by: John Barrett Jr. at February 27, 2004 9:27 AM