February 17, 2004


An Offer Kerry Can't Refuse (The Prowler, 2/17/2004, American Spectator)

It isn't for nothing that Bill Clinton has Wesley Clark on his speed dial. What with Clinton running his campaign and all.

No sooner had Clark pulled the plug on his presidential run last Tuesday night -- and started the firestorm surrounding stories of Kerry and his extramarital affairs -- than Clinton was on the horn telling him to shut his mouth and get in line behind Kerry.

Clinton is thought to have once wanted Clark to at least be on the bottom of a Democratic ticket. But as the campaign wore on, doubts arose. "All of the reasons Clark was pushed out of the Army hierarchy were made clear to Clinton during the campaign," says a former Clark staffer now advising John Edwards. "Clark was just not someone who focused well day to day. It was frustrating. That last night, where he's caught mouthing off about Kerry, is the kind of stuff we were dealing with all the time."

Now, according to several sources inside the Clinton camp, as well as DNC insiders, Bill Clinton is looking for a way to push wife Hillary Rodham Clinton onto the bottom of the ticket. One big reason: money. Kerry will need a lot more of it. Clinton can facilitate his getting it.

If there's one thing his life and career demonstrate about John Kerry it is that he can be bought.

Posted by Orrin Judd at February 17, 2004 2:04 PM

Hillary on the ticket? Wow, if you want to get all the ship-jumping National Review types to forgive Bush in zero seconds flat, that'd be the way to do it.

Posted by: Timothy at February 17, 2004 2:08 PM

exactly. Bush could propose trillions in new spending and the right would take it to make sure Hillary doesn't get back into the white house.
On a related note today at NRO Derbeyshire has an article ripping into Bush for proposing to raise the debt ceiling by $1TR. As noted here and elsewhere the purpose behind this is facilitate the move to privatize social security. Does this come up in Derbeyshire's article? no, only the usual Bush spends too much rant.

Posted by: AWW at February 17, 2004 2:13 PM

If Kerry had any spine he'd say no, as Hillary would dominate all conversation and leave Kerry forgotten. Then again if he had any spine, he wouldn't behave as he has.

Posted by: John Barrett Jr. at February 17, 2004 2:16 PM

It doesn't make sense for HILLARY! to accept second fiddle now when she would otherwise own the orchestra in 2008.

Posted by: Mike at February 17, 2004 2:23 PM

She won't win re-election in '06 if Rudi runs, so why shouldn't she?

Posted by: BJW at February 17, 2004 2:29 PM

Hillary has shown a certain discipline in recent months, which would probably mean she would stay on message with Kerry through the campaign. The problem is the media orgasm that would follow her nomination would make covering her to so many in the mainstream press be the "It" assignment.

Given that secnario, Kerry could easily become the equivlaent of Richie Cunningham on "Happy Days" once The Fonz showed up and began taking all the limelight away. I don't know if Kerry's ego could handle that, and if it looked as though he was headed for a loss in the final days of the campaign, the torture could get excruciating, as the press changed its story line from "Kerry 2004" to "Hillary 2008" before the votes wree even counted.

Posted by: John at February 17, 2004 2:52 PM

I don't see why picking Hilary doesn't fit in quite nicely with his "South can go to hell" strategy. So Bush will win his states by even bigger margins due to anger at Clinton. So what? Votes don't matter, states matter.

It does seem to me that this would make OJ's pet theory about Condi-for-VP more problematic for Bush. One can imagine the stories the media would write: "In a desperate bid to counter John Kerry's dramatic selection of Hilary Rodham (Clinton?) as running mate..."

Posted by: brian at February 17, 2004 3:15 PM


He'd actually have to pick her at that point. Remember after his Dad drubbed Geraldine Ferraro in their debate the backlash that followed?

Posted by: oj at February 17, 2004 3:20 PM


He'd actually have to pick her at that point. Remember after his Dad drubbed Geraldine Ferraro in their debate the backlash that followed?

Posted by: oj at February 17, 2004 3:28 PM

My prognostication:

Kerry - Clinton at convention.

Post convention campaign: Kerry implodes, withdraws. Clinton for Prez by default.

You heard it first here.

Posted by: punslinger at February 17, 2004 3:38 PM

Why would he "have to pick her"? We're still talking about a popular wartime president with a strong economy versus a Senator. All of which adds up to an easy victory. Let Kerry make the desperate moves. Granted, the move has its advantages, and Bush has never shown much of any interest in what the press thinks, so one never knows...

Posted by: brian at February 17, 2004 3:38 PM


Because at the end of the day he's still a politician.

Posted by: oj at February 17, 2004 3:52 PM

The only thing more surprising than Hill winning the veepstakes would be her actually taking it.

Sitting VP's have a notoriously tough time being elected president (see Gore, Al). All of the disadvantages of incumbency and none of the benefits.

Posted by: Chris B at February 17, 2004 5:27 PM

Chris B
"Sitting VP's have a notoriously tough time being elected president (see Gore, Al). All of the disadvantages of incumbency and none of the benefits."

It has happened recently. George H.W.Bush is the most recent. Nixon almost made it and succeeded on the second try.

I am one of those who voted for Gore and am glad that Bush won.

There are a relativly low number of data points for the last 100 years to convincingly project trends.

Posted by: punslinger at February 17, 2004 6:17 PM

re Nixon, close only counts in horseshoes and thermo-nuclear weapons. The number of losing candidates who've gotten a second bite at the Presidental apple is small as well, leaving out the 3rd party crowd.

Not saying that she couldn't pull it off, just that being VP isn't necessarily the springboard that people like to assume it is. If it was, one would expect that the path would be followed more than it has been.

She'd be better off running for a Govenorship.

Posted by: Chris B at February 17, 2004 9:08 PM

I hope you are right. I'm just expressing my worst case scenario.

Posted by: punslinger at February 17, 2004 10:33 PM

Hillary is not the irresistable force people think she is - she won the one seat she could in 2000. Would she have won in IL or MA or CA against a Democrat in the primary? No. Would she have ever won a Senate seat from AK? No.

Would Rudy have beaten her in 2000? Maybe, and certainly would have done better than Lazio.

What is her threshold in a national election? Even if it is as high as 48%, it isn't enough.

And now she has Wesley Clark around her neck, as well as Bill. But Kerry may be desperate enough to take her, and her money. She certainly would not want him to pick Edwards, who could cut her off from the trial bar if he really wanted to.

Posted by: jim hamlen at February 17, 2004 10:34 PM

FDR was the only losing VP candidate (1920) in the 20th Century to make it into the White House. There's not much point in being associated with loser Kerry. If he wins, then she's stuck behind him for 4-8 years. No way Hillary would take the VP, it's much too small for her.

Posted by: George at February 18, 2004 5:08 PM

But the VP gets the nomination if he wants it. So if they think Kerry can win she has to take the job. Or they can just keep leaking dirt on him to make sure he loses.

Posted by: oj at February 18, 2004 5:12 PM

Bush could choose Rice if he appointed Cheney as Secretary of State to replace Powell who will be leaving. Otherwise, if Bush chose Rice without retaining Cheney in an important position in the administration, I for one would be damned disappointed. Damn disappointed.

Posted by: Genecis at February 18, 2004 10:49 PM

Disappointed "big time."

Posted by: Genecis at February 18, 2004 10:50 PM

Cheney's ill and a political negative. He's gone.

Posted by: oj at February 18, 2004 11:25 PM