January 15, 2004


US to begin drawdown in Iraq: In coming weeks, 18,000 troops in northern Iraq will be replaced with a force half that size. (Dan Murphy, 1/15/04, The Christian Science Monitor)

It's been dubbed the "Mosul model" - where US soldiers have been in the vanguard of everything from setting up local governing councils to running a "Star Search" program on local TV.

The 101st Airborne Division's approach to waging peace in this northern Iraqi city is frequently lauded as the ideal of what men and women trained for war can accomplish by setting their guns aside and targeting development and local ties.

But now it faces a crucial test: doing the same mission with half as many US troops.

In just a few weeks, 18,000 soldiers of the 101st in northern Iraq will start streaming home, part of a rotation of all 120,000 US forces in Iraq. Replacing the 101st will be a much smaller force: The Army's new Stryker Brigade, a force of 5,000 or so soldiers whose unit is built around the capabilities of the Army's latest high-tech combat vehicle, and units that will bring the total to 9,000, say officers in the 101st.

The US hopes to reduce its presence in Iraq to about 50,000 by the end of 2005, coalition officials say. The biggest short-term reduction, it appears, will be in the north.

It's kind of amusing that the folks who insist we have more rather than less troops on the ground are generally those who opposed either the war entirely or the Rumsfeld war plan. It's like they're trying to teach us all a lesson by requiring the obviously unnecessary.

Posted by Orrin Judd at January 15, 2004 10:47 AM

oj -

Predictions of the politically salutary effect of troop repatriations by Labor Day have already been assimilated by the Left and the spin is starting: Prepare for images from that of the helicopters leaving Saigon to the bull that entered the china shop leaving a mess behind.

Posted by: MG at January 15, 2004 11:03 AM

MG - Oh they will try. But if the violence level continues to decline and there aren't nightly/weekly reports of US troops being hurt/killed then the public will probably conclude that they did the job and are coming home.

Posted by: AWW at January 15, 2004 11:15 AM