January 16, 2004
Bush Installs Pickering on Appeals Court (AP, 1/16/04)
President Bush installed Charles Pickering on a federal appeals court Friday, bypassing Democrats who had stalled his nomination for more than two years, sources said.This is the sort of thing that the right wing has been urging on Repubican Presidents for 20 years, with little to show for it. In his own quiet way, the President is working to remake the government and is going to have to drag the right with him kicking and screaming. Posted by David Cohen at January 16, 2004 3:36 PM
Bush appointed Pickering by a recess appointment which avoids the confirmation process. Such appointments are valid until the next Congress takes office, in this case in January 2005.
Pickering in is his mid-60s so he isn't a long-termer. This move is probably meant to help with the right-wing base without alienating moderates much. The Dems will scream but that do that no matter what Bush does anyway.
Posted by: AWW at January 16, 2004 3:48 PMGiven the raging insanity on the left about anything Bush does, the timing of this recess appointment might actually help Howard Dean in Iowa, since his partisans are the ones most likely to have smoke coming out of their ears over Pickering.
Posted by: John at January 16, 2004 4:19 PMThis is the warning shot - there are about 8 other shells left to go. Bush has all year to point to the obstructionist Democrats, and they cannot defend their racism to the general public.
Posted by: jim hamlen at January 16, 2004 4:47 PMGiven the real crunch in some districts (vacancies), Bush should do what some have advised: appoint any semi-retired, soon-to-be-retired, conservative (Bork has been named, e.g.) to baby sit a seat and get some stuff done. (And of course, show Schummer and company that he better get cracking and stop filibustering if not just delaying ad infinitum.)
Posted by: MG at January 16, 2004 5:11 PMThis is the sort of thing that the right wing has been urging on Repubican Presidents for 20 years, with little to show for it. In his own quiet way, the President is working to remake the government and is going to have to drag the right with him kicking and screaming.
Doing what the right wants(for once)constitutes dragging it kicking and screaming?
That's tortured even for you,OJ.
Rather the other way round.
"In his own quiet way, the President is working to remake"
Rolling on A.A.,huge welfare increases,most massive entitlement increase since the 60's,repeated immigration amnesty proposals?
All trumpeted with press conferences and publicity campaigns?
I can barely imagine what you consider loud.
Posted by: M. at January 16, 2004 5:32 PMM -- OJ is not to blame for this post, except in a general respondeat superior sort of way. I do think, however, that your post is proof of my point.
Posted by: David Cohen at January 16, 2004 7:21 PMMy mistake,David
"I do think, however, that your post is proof of my point."
What point?That Bush is dragging the right by,finaly,and seemingly reluctantly,doing what they want?
Or being quiet by loudly announcing policies unpopulare with base?
Your first point contadicted itself and the second was simply wrong.
Bush promised to "change the tone in Washington" (or words to that effect) and it was widely intrepreted that he'd try to "grow" once in office and moderate all those troglodyte conservative tendencies he had to exhibit to win.
This will definitely change the tone, and for the better, too. I'd love to see Bork get a recess appointment to the Supreme Court, even if only for a few months, just to see the concerted blowing of gaskets that would result.
Posted by: Raoul Ortega at January 16, 2004 9:01 PM> I'd love to see Bork get a recess appointment to
> the Supreme Court, even if only for a few months
Heck, I'd pay quite a bit for tickets to watch the show! However, the "only for a few months" part is quite important--I am much less happy with Bork and his positions than I once was, and having there until he retires would not be a good thing.
Posted by: KP at January 17, 2004 1:37 AM