January 14, 2004
NOT 50-50:
Americans like Bush's qualities, poll says: Yet Democrats said to have edge on many domestic issues (CNN, January 14, 2004)
The poll indicated that Bush's favorable standing with most Americans on his personal qualities is a main reason for his job approval rating of 59 percent in the most recent CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll and similar high marks in other polls.The poll also showed that 55 percent of those interviewed agree with Bush on the issues that matter to them. [...]
At least 50 percent or more of those interviewed said the Democratic Party would do a better job on such issues as the environment, health care and education.
Nearly 50 percent preferred the Democrats on issues such as the budget deficit, the economy and taxes.
But on issues such as terrorism, the Iraq war, world affairs and gun policy, those interviewed gave the nod to the Republicans.
If 50% or less think the Democrats generically are better on some issues, don't 50% or more think they aren't? Posted by Orrin Judd at January 14, 2004 12:08 PM
There are always the "undecideds" and the "not sures," who, in an ideal society would also be the "can't votes."
Posted by: M. Murcek at January 14, 2004 12:49 PMIt's still mind boggling that "50% or more" of the population would do a better job on the environment, health care and education. The systems under which the last two are delivered are essentially Democratic creations, and most believe they are broken. The challenge on the environment is not a roll-back of decision-making processes that reflect our current (wealthy) predilections for conservation versus consumption, but the confrontation of cultist extremism based on junk science and narcissism. I can not see the Dems as the Party that can best face this challenge. I guess, the silver lining is that these percentages may have been worse a few years ago.
Posted by: MG at January 14, 2004 12:52 PMCNN is apparently smack dab in the middle of the spin zone.
Posted by: Bartman at January 14, 2004 12:53 PM