January 9, 2004
Still Debating (Dotty Lynch, Douglas Kiker, Beth Lester, Clothilde Ewing and Sean Sharifi, 1/09/04, CBS News)
The three long-shot candidates, Dennis Kucinich, Carol Mosley Braun and Al Sharpton, who are hoping to make a splash in Washington's non-binding January 13 primary, were in DC Friday in a WTOP sponsored debate. Organizers were furious at front-runner Howard Dean for skipping the debate and had an empty chair on the stage for him. The first question of the debate was directed at the absent Dean, questioning his concern for the citizens of the District. The final question of the debate was also aimed at Dean by Al Sharpton, who then sat in Dean's empty seat and mimicked an angry response.
Posted by Orrin Judd at January 9, 2004 2:31 PM
So, it really IS kabuki theater!
Posted by: jim hamlen at January 9, 2004 2:39 PM"(Dotty Lynch, Douglas Kiker, Beth Lester, Clothilde Ewing and Sean Sharifi, 1/09/04, CBS News)"
Man, does it take 5 people to file this story? Perhaps they assume that four will die laughing before print deadline...
Posted by: MG at January 9, 2004 3:01 PMWhat's the point of Dean going to the debate? The main role of Washignton, D.C. in the electorial college is to assure that the Republicans can never toss a shutout at the Democrats, so the time of any Democratic primary frontrunner during the primary season is far better spent elsewhere.
Posted by: John at January 10, 2004 12:12 AM