January 12, 2004


How to steal the vote in Iran (Safa Haeri , 1/13/04, Asia Times)

The prospect of Iran opening up dialogue with the United States culminated in angry protests by the Iranian reformist camp on Sunday, denouncing the decision of the 12-member Council of the Guardians (CG) to disqualify most prominent figures from running for legislative elections, due in February, as "illegal, unfair and politically motivated".

Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, angry at the great number of reformist candidates - including many present influential members of the majlis (parliament) - that were rejected by the Guardians to run in the race, pledged to tap all lawful options to oppose the move.

"I do not agree with this way of disqualifications and I will use legal channels to deal with this issue, which I hope will bear fruit," the powerless Khatami told reporters following a cabinet session. Khatami failed to spell out what he could do if the Guardians insist on their decision.
Chairman of the Majlis' National Security and Foreign Affairs Commission, Mohsen Mirdamadi - himself rejected by the Guardians - compared the disqualifications to an overthrow of the government.

"This is a civilian coup d'etat," he said, as quoted by the official Iranian news agency IRNA, adding, "They have barred certain individuals in every electoral constituency in order to clear the way for their favorite candidates.

It's easy to miss the forest for the trees here: the theocrats recognize that in a fair election a genuinely reformist and relatively pro-American Parliament would emerge.

Posted by Orrin Judd at January 12, 2004 3:35 PM

Iran is the laboratory for a revolution against mullahocracy. But I doubt if such things can be replicated in the Arab world - the culture is different. And the Persians have 2500+ years of tradition backing them up. That trumps the Arabs by quite a bit.

Posted by: jim hamlen at January 12, 2004 7:47 PM