January 31, 2004
Dunn says she won't seek return to Congress (The Associated Press, 1/30/04)
U.S. Rep. Jennifer Dunn, Washington state's senior Republican in Congress and a favorite of the Bush White House, told The Associated Press tonight that she's retiring from politics.Dunn, 61, who had been courted by President Bush to run for the U.S. Senate this fall, said she has decided to serve out her sixth House term and then retire from public life.
She cited family considerations — she's newly remarried — and a desire for one more career after politics. She endorsed no successor in her Republican-leaning 8th District in Seattle's eastern suburbs.
Too bad--she was always a class act. Posted by Orrin Judd at January 31, 2004 6:05 AM
Another "too bad Republicans have lifes (away from politics)". Money that should have been spent defeating the dumbest Senator in DC will now have to spend defending a congressional seat.
Posted by: MG at January 31, 2004 11:28 AM