January 24, 2004

BUY A "U":

British MP 'fired' for pro-terror statement (DOUGLAS DAVIS, 1/24/04, Jerusalem Post)

British legislator Jenny Tonge has been fired by Liberal Democrat leader Charles Kennedy as party spokesperson on children's affairs after she expressed sympathy for suicide bombers and suggested she would consider becoming one herself if she were a Palestinian.

Kennedy described Tonge's remarks as "completely unacceptable; they are not compatible with Liberal Democrat party policies and principles," he said. "There can be no justification, under any circumstances for taking innocent lives through terrorism," Kennedy added.

British legislator Tonge, who visited the Palestinian areas last June and compared life for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip with the Nazis' treatment of Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, made the remarks about suicide bombers during an address to a meeting of the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign.

Will no one put Europe out of our misery?

Posted by Orrin Judd at January 24, 2004 1:22 PM

I guess I missed that part of WWII history where the Polish Jews of Warsaw sent suicide bombers to kill German families celebrating their weddings and holidays.

Posted by: Robert D at January 24, 2004 2:17 PM

"Will no one put Europe out of our misery?"

I think that they are doing rather a good job of it themselves. Give them some more time.

Posted by: Robert Schwartz at January 25, 2004 4:22 PM