November 20, 2003
German Sept 11 theory stokes anti-US feeling (Kate Connolly, 20/11/2003, Daily Telegraph)
A former German cabinet minister is drawing huge crowds and stoking the fires of popular anti-Americanism with a book arguing that the US government mounted the September 11 attacks in a plot to win global domination.Andreas von Bulow has gone further than Michael Meacher, Tony Blair's former environment minister, who was widely criticised for claiming that America knowingly failed to prevent the attacks.
Mr von Bulow, 66, a former research minister in the German government, believes that September 11, when more than 3,000 people died, was staged to justify the subsequent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Berlin has made no official response to the book, but behind closed doors ministers have tried to distance themselves from his radical views.
However, his ideas are very popular in Germany, which is wallowing in a wave of anti-Americanism. Polls show that a fifth of the population, and one in three of those under 30, believe the US government ordered the attacks. [...]
The World Trade Centre collapsed due to explosives, not the impact of the Boeings; no planes flew into the Pentagon or crashed in Pennsylvania; and mobile phone calls made by those on the latter flight were simulated by the CIA.
Mr von Bulow also argues that the Israeli intelligence service, Mossad, was involved in the attacks, warning Israelis to avoid the Twin Towers in the preceding days. His "proof" is that only one Israeli died in the attacks.
In a way it's really kind of flattering--it's been so long since they mattered that the last bestseller about Germany was William Shirer's Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Of course, Mr. von Bulow probably thinks that's all a lie too. Posted by Orrin Judd at November 20, 2003 11:05 PM
Oh, like they're not w/frankenreich.
Porphyrogenitus links to this (not the complete article):
For those of you coming late to a phrase I haven't used in awhile, enter "Restored Carolignian Empire" into my search engine (located to screen left) and its relative, "Frankenreich". That said, here is a piece in Canada's National Post on the vision that a union between France and Germany would expound:
This vision of the EU encompasses a bureaucratically "harmonized" state with a semi-command economy, a kind of glass-cockpit socialism for the 21st century. Such a Franco-German construct would be "nuanced" and "civilized" -- the code words denoting a state with a pragmatic bent, flexible ethics and a commitment to realpolitik. It would have a defence force separate from NATO, and held as aloof as possible from Anglo-American cultural, political and judicial influences.
In short, it would split Western civilization into an Atlantic and a continental branch. . .
Posted by: Sandy P. at November 21, 2003 12:17 AMHe and the walking stuffed bratwurst Michael Moore should be staging joint book signings across the German Federal Republic and swapping ideas with each other for their next books...
Posted by: John at November 21, 2003 1:07 AMThe biggest problem with this theory is, the US ALREADY dominated the world BEFORE 9/11.
If the point is that the attack was faked, in order to win political support to attack another country, why didn't we fake an attack from somewhere worth taking and holding ?
I mean, come on, AFGHANISTAN ?
What do the Germans know about that dusty, desolate place that nobody else knows ?
Or are they just big opium addicts ?
For instance, Mexico has a lot of oil, and it'd be much more convenient to take them over. Easier, too. Talk about cheering in the streets, if the US annexed them.
Posted by: Michael Herdegen at November 21, 2003 1:24 AM"...but behind closed doors ministers have tried to distance themselves from his radical views."
Boy, those German cabinet ministers are a brave and principled bunch, aren't they?
Listen to Harry's warnings. This is all a cover, conscious or otherwise. We have heard of some impressive French intellectuals taking on prevailing anti-Americanism in France. Anybody heard of any German counterparts?
I'm from Australia, how many ordinary Americans on the street are aware that Germany hates them like this? That 1 in 5 germans think the US government launched the attacks?
Where are the consequences? When is Europe going to be punished for this crap?
Posted by: Amos at November 21, 2003 9:01 AMAmos,
The most likely punishment will come in the form of rebalancing our support (and, for whatever it is worth, affection) away from the useless ingrates and towards the consistent commrades. This is the only punishment I can envision, and if it sounds unequal to the offense, we will have to accept it. This leaves me only to fantasize anout a scenario where France is overwhelmed by an Islamofascist army, and we opt out on account of our commitments to Australia and England (I mean, who is going to serve as peace keepers during the World Cup finals...)
Posted by: MG at November 21, 2003 9:11 AMEurope's descent into chaos is punishment enough. But they will never see it that way.
The real 'punishment' will be when Washington turns down the future EU request for money - presuming, of course, that a moonbat multilateral vainglorious Clintonite/Rubinite is not in the White House.
Posted by: jim hamlen at November 21, 2003 9:13 AMIsn't it time to immediately begin the movement of our troops and military installations out of Germany; perhaps to Poland or other Eastern European nations, via Afghanistan/Iraq.
Wouldn't Poland be the better strategic location if we must maintain forces in Europe? Let the French worry about the Germans.
Posted by: genecis at November 21, 2003 11:51 AMVon Bulow's "theories" sound just like something Joseph Goebbels would have cooked up. And Germans think Americans are the stupid, gullible ones? Here we go again.
Posted by: Eric T at November 21, 2003 5:09 PMOne city in Germany is lobbying for our forces to stay there. They know what's going to happen. We've moved out tens of thousands of troops already, IIRC.
Wes Dabney used to blog. He was in the army(?). He pointed out that Germany's economy started to tank after we started pulling out our troops. Just coincidence, of course, but it made me go hmmmm.
Posted by: Sandy P. at November 21, 2003 9:53 PMgenecis,
A better idea: with the American troops gone, let the French protect the Germans, or vice versa.
Posted by: John J. Coupal at November 22, 2003 8:23 AMSome enterprising reporter should ask Schroeder and Chirac if there has been a time since the 1930s that the Germans and French have propagated and believed so many lies.
Posted by: jim hamlen at November 22, 2003 9:06 AMI am now reading Lord Vansittart's "Events and Shadows," written around 1948. Some things never change, do they?
Orrin says Vansittart's influence was negative. Maybe. But he was right on the facts, which ought to count for something.
When the Berlin Wall fell, my then editor came back proudly with a piece of it. I said then that we would come to regret the recreation of a Great Germany, and I'm sticking with it.
Although, for me personally, saying so helped force me out of that paper. My punishment is to have to live on Maui. There's lebensraum and then there's lebensraum.
Did Goldhagen's "Hitler's Willing Executioners" not count as a bestseller?
Posted by: Harry Eagar at November 22, 2003 4:31 PMHarry;
Did you ever hear of the French cold war politician who was accused of being anti-German? His reply: "That is not true. I love Germany. In fact, I love it so much I want two of them."
Posted by: Peter B at November 22, 2003 4:37 PMoj:
Really ?
You don't think that there'll race riots, and guest workers given the boot, before that ?
Besides, if Turkey manages to actually become a stable, thriving place, there won't be enough Turks in Germany to worry about.
Maybe Northern Africans.
Yes, I do, but I think the elderly Germans will lose.
Posted by: oj at November 23, 2003 8:00 AMPeter, never heard that one. Must have been the last sensible remark ever made by a French politician.
The Germans still have national police organized along military lines, and although I have not seen any numbers, I'm willing to bet that very, very few ethnic Turks are being recruited into the polizei.
Push comes to shove, it'll be 1919 all over again.
Posted by: Harry Eagar at November 23, 2003 4:35 PM