November 7, 2003
'TRANNY' ROBBERS (ZACH HABERMAN, November 7, 2003, NY Post)
Five transgender teens who attend Harvey Milk HS posed as female prostitutes, and then robbed their tricks by claiming to be undercover cops willing to let them go free in exchange for cash and credit cards, sources said.The five, who were arrested yesterday, managed to pull off at least five separate Greenwich Village robberies in the last month by dressing as hookers and working in teams of two or three, authorities said.
Once the young thieves struck a deal with a prospective john for sex, they would declare that they were undercover cops, police said.
They would handcuff the victims and demand their wallets in exchange for letting them go.
What ever happened to jusat stealing the other kids' milk money? Posted by Orrin Judd at November 7, 2003 7:10 PM
I believe this incident give a whole new meaning to the phrase "milk money."
Posted by: Mike Morley at November 7, 2003 9:23 PMPity the modern satirist. How can he stay ahead of the news?
Posted by: mike earl at November 7, 2003 9:47 PMFive months from implementation of the "Harvey Milk High School" for gay and transgendered teens to today's news. Since the school's creation was supposedly to allow these yutes to have a place to go to school where they would not be harrassed for their sexual prefrences, and since the "laides" were basically busted for an aggressive sex-related crime, the explanations from Bloomberg and Joel Klein about this ought to be fun to listen to.
Posted by: John at November 8, 2003 12:39 AMJohn,
Those ladies were caught up in the entrepeneurial spirit of the times. Hopefully they will pay the NYC income taxes on their gross income, less business deductions.
Mayor Bloomberg will be most interested in seeing that NYC taxes on those net profits are paid in a timely manner.
I'll bet Andrew Sullivan thinks if we just let them marry they would settle down and be model citizens.
Posted by: Peter B at November 8, 2003 5:51 AMHarvey Milk High School protects these youth from the predations of straight society. Now they are free to explore life's possibilities while in the shelter of an omnisexual nest.
Cute, ain't it?
Posted by: Larry H at November 8, 2003 6:22 AMThe N.Y. Daily News's follow-up story today indicates that the Harvey Milk School has been officially opened for two months, and 7 percent of its students already have been in trouble with the law. At that rate, even the Howard Dean "Stabucks ghetto" crowd downing lattes and frappucchinos adjacent to the school in the Barnes & Noble on Astor Place may start feeling a little insecure (and trust me, that B&N is almost Ground Zero for the "Starbucks ghetto" crowd...)
Posted by: John at November 8, 2003 9:03 AMMayor Bloomberg at least can be pleased that they weren't smoking.
Posted by: pj at November 8, 2003 9:22 AM