November 4, 2003
Finance, schools jobs filled (Gary Delsohn and Alexa H. Bluth, November 4, 2003, Sacramento Bee)
Gov.-elect Arnold Schwarzenegger filled two important Cabinet posts Monday, hiring a seasoned budget-cutter as his finance chief and naming former Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan secretary of education. [...]Commenting on the appointments of Riordan and of Donna Arduin as finance director, a Schwarzenegger spokeswoman said the selections underscore Schwarzenegger's commitment to sweeping change in the way Sacramento does business.
State Sen. Tom McClintock, R-Simi Valley, who finished third on the recall election's replacement ballot, gave high marks to Arduin and Riordan.
"She seems to have done an exemplary job in New York and Florida," McClintock said of Arduin, who also held a similar post in Michigan. "I have contacts in the think-tank world who hold a high opinion of her as well." [...]
"Being education secretary is the perfect place for Dick Riordan," McClintock said. "That was always his passion in Los Angeles. He seems to be fully committed to decentralizing the public school system, which is critically important. Full control over our public schools must be restored to principals and local school boards. He seems to be dedicated to that aim."
Tom McClintock praising Arnold Schwarzenegger for appointing Richard Riordan--this kind of GOP unity is the CA Democrats' worst nightmare. Posted by Orrin Judd at November 4, 2003 7:42 PM
Dreier takes on Boxer - unless McClintock is a complete liar. McClintock has already filed for his seat in the Cal. legislature.
Posted by: RDB at November 4, 2003 9:04 PM