November 20, 2003


Kennedy's assassin acted alone: Expert (TIMES OF INDIA, NOVEMBER 20, 2003)

It is a tantalizing tape recording, full of static hiss, popping sounds, and eerie faraway voices. And for years, there has been debate over whether it proves there was a plot to kill President Kennedy.

Now, a new analysis of the tape recorded by a Dallas police officer on the day Kennedy was assassinated casts further doubt on the lingering conspiracy theories.

Although some previous studies have suggested that one of the sounds on the tape is a gunshot from the infamous "grassy knoll," forensic acoustics expert Bob Berkovitz said it was extremely unlikely that the sound was gunfire.

"The theory that the noise represents a 'grassy knoll' gunshot is not supported by the computer-based analysis," said Berkovitz, chairman of Sensimetrics Corp., which specializes in research on speech and hearing.

Berkovitz studied the tape for Court TV for its special ˜ "The JFK Assassination: Investigation Reopened" ˜ which was to air Wednesday.

For those who believe a conspiracy was at work on the day JFK was shot ˜ Nov. 22, 1963 ˜ the tape is considered a key piece of evidence. [...]

Berkovitz seized on a snippet of conversation that can be overheard on the recording right at the point where the supposed grassy knoll "shot" is heard. The words "hold everything secure" appear to come from a second radio channel being operated by police that day.

The problem for conspiracy theorists is that the time of the transmission of the words "hold everything secure" on the second radio channel was about a minute after the assassination, meaning that the sound identified as the shot actually came a minute after the shots, according to Berkovitz.

Next they'll try to prove we really did put a man on the moon...

Posted by Orrin Judd at November 20, 2003 4:48 PM

Oh for God's sake, he ain't getting any deader. Let it go, people!

Posted by: Amos at November 20, 2003 6:50 PM

And if you saw George Will's column today, from what he says, it seems JFK might have died in office anyway if he'd never been assassinated, or at least become so ill as to be constitutionally incapable of carrying out his duties (and therefore would have had to yield power to LBJ) because of his numerous severe illnesses and the incredible panoply of drugs, some of them conflicting dangerously with each other and others having nasty effects on his system (like boosting his cholesterol count to 400-plus) that he had to take to keep them under some sort of control.

Posted by: Joe at November 20, 2003 6:54 PM

I used to think JFK conspiracists were lunatics until it finally dawned on my why there was so much evidence that Oswald had been in contact with all the usual suspects: the KGB, the Castroites, the anti-Castroites, the mob, etc.

Oswald deeply, deeply wanted to be in a conspiracy. Any conspiracy, although he seemed to prefer leftists ones, if he had his druthers. He went around initiating contact with potential conspirators, most famously, moving to Russia so he could work for the KGB. Typically, the would-be conspirators figured out sooner or later that Oswald was a dangerous wacko who wanted to get into the history books by shooting somebody famous, and so they never did much with him. But, that's why there's this convoluted and sinister trail of contacts that Oswald left behind.

Posted by: Steve Sailer at November 20, 2003 8:24 PM

That explains Oswald--quite nicely, too--what explains the conspiracists need for a conspiracy?

Posted by: oj at November 20, 2003 8:44 PM

For one type of person, it gives a false sense of superiority, in that they are one of the few to see the world as it truly is. They are also people who are uneducated and disinclined to put in the effort to actually learn anything of value. It's a form of pseudo-scholarship, in an agressively ignorant sort of way. For others, it's a perfect example that there's no point in doing anything, because "they" can stop anyone who gets in their way, even someone as powerful as the President. What chance has "the little guy" against "the system". In days past it was evil spirits or capricious gods, today we have the Trilateral Commission.

The real question for any conspiracy believer-- "if what you say is proven true, how will your life be in any way different?" The key to any good conspiracy theory is that in the end, it makes no difference if it is true or not.

Posted by: Raoul Ortega at November 20, 2003 9:11 PM

I actually learned something new about JFK today. No Kidding. I learned that JFK received fewer direct (popular) votes in the 1960 than Richard Nixon. Only an arbitrary 100% allocation of the votes for the undesginated slate of Alabama electors -- JFK not on the ballot -- gave him a claim to a plurality of the popular vote. (Read Opinion and skip the last 40 years worth of history channel specials and school textbooks.)

Posted by: MG at November 20, 2003 9:19 PM


Lee Oswald assassinates President Kennedy.
Jack Ruby murders Lee Oswald.
Government decision after a thorough investigation (Warren Commission) says Lee Oswald acted alone. Case closed.

Did previous presidential assassinations go as smoothly?

Raoul: A conspiracy theory has no effect on your life. But, if an elaborate murder strategy was successful in 1963, would someone consider trying in the future?

Posted by: John J. Coupal at November 20, 2003 11:48 PM

Very enlightening to hear a Mr. Posner (whose book totally discounts any/all conspiracy theories) on Bloomberg radio last Sunday. They took calls...oh, boy what a bunch of pathetic losers called in to do battle with Posner! Each one more agitated than the last and each one more easily swatted down by Posner. I just read "Libra" by Don DeLillo--I could kick myself for wasting my time. I blame conspiracy madness for the poisoned political atmosphere at all the WTO meetings. If the CIA/FBI and Arlen Specter hadn't goofed up the post-assassination so badly, hippies would limit themselves to owning aromatherapy shops and they wouldn't be "wild in the streets" 40 years after JFK became worm food.

Posted by: Brian McKim at November 21, 2003 5:58 AM

If many, many diverse authorities goof up their one assigned task, what does that suggest?

I know that sounds like Congress, but I digress.

Posted by: John J. Coupal at November 21, 2003 8:10 AM

It is not possible to recommend the Posner book too highly.

Posted by: oj at November 21, 2003 8:21 AM

This morning on NPR's Morning Edition (11/21) Juan Willimas did a story on the Kennedy assassination a he said two things that were really irresponsible (even for NPR). He stated that Lee Harvey Oswald was the "alleged assassin". He also said that Dallas was full of anti-Kennedy people and the Secret Services needed to protect the president, thereby insinuating that Republicans were essentially out to kill the president. Sure, I expect this from Oliver Stone or Pacifica Radio but not a "mainstream" NPR guy. Then again NPR is shilling for the re-release of Oliver Stone's JFK fantasy.

Actually, I am not really that astonished because I have been listening to NPR for 20 years. I should get some type of award for that, or at least some type of medication.

Posted by: pchuck at November 21, 2003 10:49 AM

Well, it was full of anti-Kennedy people--there'd even been ads in the papars and he was only there at LBJ's insistence--but they were angry Democrats back then.

Posted by: oj at November 21, 2003 12:03 PM


Several posts on conspiracy nuts, and not one mention of those benighted souls who think Eric Roberts and Julia Roberts are two different people?

Posted by: James Haney at November 21, 2003 5:34 PM

Mr. Haney:

Some folk are beyond help...

Posted by: oj at November 21, 2003 7:07 PM