November 11, 2003


Morocco pushes ahead: Last month King Mohammed VI declared that 'women are equal to men under the law.' (Kent Davis-Packard, 11/12/03, CS Monitor)

After 30 years of fighting, more than 60 women's associations, hundreds of nongovernmental organizations, and hundreds of thousands of Moroccan women watched last month, as King Mohammed VI declared before the Moroccan parliament in Rabat that "women are equal to men under the law."

"We have fought so much, so much for this change," beamed Nouzha Skalli, one of the 35 female members of parliament newly elected in 2002, under the introduction of a quota reserving 30 seats for women.

Only Tunisia has preceded Morocco in such revolutionary reforms to their Family Code and yet without addressing the question of inheritance.

"There is something new in Morocco, which is pretty strong compared to other Arab countries - human rights organizations, which greatly supported the women's movement," explains Rabéa Naciri, president of the Democratic Association of Moroccan Women.

A combination of the new king's democratization process, foreign pressure, and disillusionment with Islamic extremism, led to the Family Code's reform, according to Fatima Sadiqi, professor of gender studies at the University of Fez.

That would seem to be the required trifecta: reform-minded leadership; American pressure; and Muslims getting tired of Islamicists.

Posted by Orrin Judd at November 11, 2003 7:56 PM

Mr. Judd;

This is good news. While Morroco is hardly a major power in the world, one good example can crack the mighty but brittle wall of oppression. It's why Communism was so desparate to maintain completely control everywhere. I dare say the Caliphascists have the same problem.

Posted by: Annoying Old Guy at November 12, 2003 12:04 AM

Particularly if Morrocco turns into a huge economic success story.

Nothing dampens revolutionary fervor like a big herd of goats, a motorbike, and satellite TV.

Posted by: Michael Herdegen at November 13, 2003 6:48 AM