November 8, 2003
Loving the Bush Haters: Is it wrong to take pleasure in the madness George W. Bush induces in his critics? Nope. (Noemie Emery, 11/07/2003, Weekly Standard)
The Germans created the word schadenfreude to describe the pleasure one might feel at the woes of one's allies, but no one has yet coined a word for the happiness that can come to a person when those who annoy him complain. Open the paper, and there they all are: the hard-faced women who refer to abortion as "choice," the soft-faced male writers who look a little too pampered, the actors, the artists, the faculty hotshots, the with-it, the urbane and the urban, the concerned, the refined, the sincere. [...]And in them I find a perverse satisfaction. If, as Churchill maintains, it is exhilarating to be shot at and missed, it is also enlivening to have your opponent empty both barrels, to more or less meager effect. I read Sidney Blumenthal's mournful account of the Florida recount. I read junior writers at policy journals proclaim with no proof they are smarter than Bush is. I read them all, and I wickedly grin.
It sends them nucular...
-What I Have to Say About George W. Bush, Blood-thirsty Christians, Homophobes & People Who Don't Use Their Blinkers (Thom Rutledge, November 7, 2003,
Mr. Rutledge surely can get a professional discount for a bit of helpful pyschotherapy.
"I feel his pain." Bwahahahaha!
Posted by: genecis at November 8, 2003 10:56 AM