November 10, 2003


Shock Troops of the Right Wing (David Morris, November 7, 2003 , AlterNet)

Three events in the past two weeks have demonstrated how frighteningly effective and coordinated the right-wing coalition of church, state and ground-level shock troops has become.

Exhibit A, of course, is the decision by CBS not to show its biographical mini-series about Ronald Reagan on network television. [...]

Exhibit B is the decision by the Florida legislature to overturn the courts and order the hospital to re-connect Terri Schiavo's feeding tube. [...]

Exhibit C is the decision by Browning Construction Co., one of Texas' largest construction companies, to back out of a project to build a clinic for Planned Parenthood. A right-wing coalition of religious activists and Republican Party faithful stopped construction 30 days after it began. Leading the effort was a newly created group -- the Austin Area Pro-Life Concrete Contractors and Suppliers Association. The Association's chairman, Chris Danze, labeled Planned Parenthood, "a social movement that promotes sexual chaos, especially of our youth."

The Association's boycott of the project achieved complete success. Every concrete supplier within 60 miles of Austin refused to supply materials. Construction stopped.

C'mon, that's better than when we were blowing clinics up isn't it?

Posted by Orrin Judd at November 10, 2003 9:32 AM

The right doesn't have a "black panthers" or
"weather underground" so the left needs to
spin non-violent political associations and
media pressure with words like "shock troops".

This is an important lesson for the right. Most
small businesses, contractors and such are run
be center or center right peoples and most are
family operations. This is a tremendous amount
of political power. In the end it seems more
important than ever to free these small businessmen from the shackles of the regulatory
redistributionist state. It's time to let the
new bourgois revolution commence.

Posted by: J.H. at November 10, 2003 9:44 AM

Ah, yes, the sinister shock troops of the Austin Area Pro-Life Concrete Contractors and Suppliers Association.

Posted by: Mike Earl at November 10, 2003 10:04 AM

Mr. Earl:

Well said, sir. I now have an unshakable mental picture of Leftists cowering before an army of concrete trucks gathering to pour out ready-mixed doom upon them.

Posted by: Mike Morley at November 10, 2003 10:18 AM

Work on the clinic stopped because no supplies were available for SIXTY MILES ???

What is this, the 18th century ?
That's less than one hour on the Interstate.
Why not simply get the materials from seventy miles away ?

Or 1700 miles away ?

Posted by: Michael Herdegen at November 10, 2003 11:06 AM

They couldn't get supplies from within sixty miles, so they quit !?

There's that American "can-do" spirit...
Or "gung-ho", as the US Marines and apparently the Communist Chinese like to say.

Bob the Builder would be ashamed.

Posted by: Michael Herdegen at November 10, 2003 11:16 AM

Even abortionists can figure out where they aren't wanted. You'd be amazed at how far folk have to travel to find someone who'll abort their baby in many parts of the country.

Posted by: at November 10, 2003 11:21 AM

" frighteningly effective and coordinated the right-wing coalition of church, state and ground-level shock troops..."

Yeah, I always get pissed off when my church has to cancel riflery practice between services because of rain.

Posted by: at November 10, 2003 1:03 PM

There is nothing more unfair to a leftist than people freely putting their money and their economic interest behind principle. UNFAIR! Maybe they can use the tax law to straighten these people out. The nerve!

Posted by: Tom C., Stamford,Ct. at November 10, 2003 3:32 PM

So, when the Left boycotts things they think are evil, they're the reincarnation of Ghandi. But when the right does it, we're "shock troops?"


Posted by: Timothy at November 10, 2003 5:25 PM

So evidence of the right wing's sinister intentions are seen in:

1-blocking a lying propaganda piece that would defame a great American president

2-stopping a money hungry sleezbag and his lawyers from killing his wife

3-stopping abotionists killing babys

So now the evil empire stands against liars, cheats and babykillers. Is there no end to their infamy? What's next, pedophiles and bankrobbers?

Posted by: Amos at November 10, 2003 9:39 PM

I want to be a shock trooper - where do I get my phaser and all that neat stuff to try out on the hapless left?

Posted by: jim hamlen at November 10, 2003 10:20 PM

Few boycotts achieve such concrete results.

Posted by: RDB at November 11, 2003 12:10 AM

I guess it is important to control the
"means of production".

Posted by: J.H. at November 11, 2003 11:17 AM

Taranto gave Mike Early a well deserved nod today.

Posted by: Jeff Guinn at November 11, 2003 7:23 PM

M Herdegen exemplifies the the very conundrum that he proposes to solve, indeed that the left seems unable to answer-- in that concrete, as with human nature,is basically the same as it has been since its inception.The fact that we live in the space age and should be able to refute the laws of nature with all of our wiz-bangs and superior knowledge basically means little.Concrete will still harden if not poured in time,(it also weighs too much to be transported on interstates)and humans will still react, for the most part, as human nature dictates. You HAVE to make allowences for working with either

Posted by: Tim Carnes at November 12, 2003 12:24 PM


You propose that the builder was prohibited from trucking in the raw materials, and mixing them on-site ?

That's not very "space-age".

Posted by: Michael Herdegen at November 13, 2003 9:34 AM

M: I would not want to be the one with the resposibility for batching concrete on the fly, ultimately they could mine the raw materials build a plant & mix their own if they are willing to spend without limit. My point being this is more complicated than a simple solution will allow.

Posted by: Tim Carnes at November 13, 2003 12:29 PM

This is EXACTLY the kind of grassroots activism that OUGHT to be operative nationwide. The burden for making changes is greater on "We the People" than on heroes of the life-preserving movement such as Life Dynamics, Inc. and Center for Bioethical Reform (& Missionaries to the Preborn, Life & Liberty Ministries, etc.) - may God save America:)!
Victoria DeLacy

Posted by: Victoria DeLacy at November 14, 2003 1:10 PM

Me thinks Mr. Danze should have been aborted.

Posted by: Lynn K at November 14, 2003 6:26 PM

I've never understood the left's contradiction between wanting to preserve the lives of certain high profile capital murders in the name of justice, yet openly and repeatedly express thier desire to see have innocent people made dead for their "crimes" of expressing unapproved free thought or just inconveniencing their social lives. At what point did the liberal elites decide that getting in thier way was the only "crime" acceptable to wish for the "offender's" death?

Posted by: Ray Scheel at November 15, 2003 8:16 PM

Please join/participate in the Terri Schindler Life Ribbon Campaign:

Please continue to help to spread the word.

Happy Holidays!

Also consider taking the following actions:

Say Folks---
I will say we need to do this until I am Blue in the face!
You really want to press an issue for Terri?
Send this statute to Bernie McCabe (727-464-6221) and demand a RESPONSE in writing why he blantantly disregards this statute?
Pound his office with a copy of the statute and ask ONE question....WHY does he NOT oblige the LAW?

Then send the statute to every news media you can think of and ask them to find out for us WHY Bernie McCabe supports Michael Schiavo's actions in the NEGLECT and ABUSE of the disabled in accordance to Florida's own statute. Is he an accomplice to this felony?? Are they discriminationg against the disabled?
When you receive your responses, please mail them to
Pat at:
Patricia Fields Anderson, P.A. Attorney at Law
447 Third Avenue North * Suite 405 *
St. Petersburg, FL 33701


Florida criminalizes abuse, neglect and exploitation of a disabled adult.

In the criminal statutes, “neglect” is defined as

1. A caregiver's failure or omission to provide an elderly person or disabled adult with the care, supervision, and services necessary to maintain the elderly person's or disabled adult's physical and mental health, including, but not limited to, food, nutrition, clothing, shelter, supervision, medicine, and medical services that a prudent person would consider essential for the well- being of the elderly person or disabled adult; or

2. A caregiver's failure to make a reasonable effort to protect an elderly person or disabled adult from abuse, neglect, or exploitation by another person.

Fla. Stat. § 825.102(3)(a).

If the neglect results in “great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement” to the disabled adult, it’s a second degree felony. If there is no such harm, it’s a third degree felony.

Fla. Stat. § 825.102(3)(b), (3)(b)

In the Schiavo case, Judge Greer has authorized the removal of her feeding tube, pursuant to the mandate from the Second DCA.

Judge Greer also denied the parents’ Petition for Immediate Therapy, requesting an attempt to help Terri learn to eat by mouth again.

Judge Greer HAS NOT entered an order forbidding provision of food and water by mouth after the removal of the tube.

In addition, Fla. Stat. § 744.3215 lists certain rights retained even after a person is adjudicated to be incapacitated. If one takes the rather broad language in 1.1 above, Schiavo’s systematic violation of those rights can also be the subject of criminal charges, as his violations have NEVER been adjudicated by the guardianship court.

Posted by: pc93 at December 14, 2003 11:33 PM