November 9, 2003


US shifts to war footing in Iraq's 'Sunni triangle' (Howard LaFranchi and Dan Murphy, 11/10/03, CS Monitor)

Responding to attacks that have killed 150 of their brethren during the six-month occupation, American forces over the weekend adopted a more aggressive approach to the so-called "Sunni triangle" - the region north and west of Baghdad where most attacks against the occupation are occurring.

US authorities are wagering that security-starved Iraqis won't protest the crackdown in the triangle, a focal point of support for the otherwise widely hated former regime. Tikritis are particularly resented by the Iraqi public, since most of the top officials in Saddam Hussein's feared domestic security network were recruited from the area.

"The Americans should be stronger; they have to realize the criminals they are dealing with and treat them accordingly," says Rajha Flayh, a woman shopping in Baghad's Kadhimiya Shiite district. "Everybody I know is hungry for security."

Amen , sister.

Posted by Orrin Judd at November 9, 2003 7:45 PM

About time.
Slightly OT - just watched the Lynch story - kept an eye out for anti-military/anti-US message but didn't see one. Good.

Posted by: AWW at November 9, 2003 11:40 PM

About Time??
You can say that again. What "footing" were we on before? I support Bush, Rumsfeld, etc, but I am hoping they are were not under the illusion this would be easy. The removal of most of our troops next year (which has been suggested by OJ and others) will only occur if the Sunni are truly conquered which obviously has not happened yet.

To put it another way, there is no incentive for "sunni" interests to cooperate with the government we are forming in Iraq, but there will be much incentive if they realize failure of that government will result in more misery for themselves. In other words "make them an offer they can"t refuse"

Posted by: h-man at November 10, 2003 6:15 AM

The US can begin withdrawing troops from the north and south, turning operations there over to the Iraqi police, military, and local governments.

We won't need 130,000 US soldiers to control the Sunni triangle, and once the rest of the country is up and running, we can turn the Sunnis over to the tender mercies of the Kurds and Shi'ites.

Posted by: Michael Herdegen at November 10, 2003 6:45 AM

We are court-marshaling an officer for scaring one
of these infidels during interogation and we
are ramping up the war footing?

I'll believe it when I see the charges dropped
and all American officers adopt such ruthless tactics.

Posted by: J.H. at November 10, 2003 9:33 AM

Agree with J.H. - when the US troops can march through Fallujah and have the population at least stand nearby muttering to themselves, then we will have been tough enough. And the incident with Lt. West is disgusting - Rumsfeld should have forcefully intervened last week (this is all too reminiscent of the Special Forces who were rebuked in Afghanistan for wearing beards). How long will it take the military to get rid of the influence of Bill & Hillary Clinton?

Posted by: jim hamlen at November 10, 2003 10:32 AM

If you really think Lt.Col. West was given an unjust verdict, as I do, then go to:
http://PatriotPetitions.UScolwest , read the details and sign the petition, as I did.

I have no problem with the investigation but I do with the verdict.

These men are fighting for their lives ... let's not hamstring them!

Posted by: at November 10, 2003 11:57 AM

Our treatment of Lt Col West just proves what a strange, strange country we are.

Posted by: David Cohen at November 10, 2003 12:07 PM