November 1, 2003
Schiavo case demands answers to bigger questions (Maggie Gallagher, October 29, 2003, Townhall)
We live in a postmodern age where instead of searching for truth, symbolic analysts delight in magically transforming reality by manipulating the language. Change the word, and you change the thing.Take the word "husband." In America, marriage trumps even the biological tie between parent and child. This is not a universal truth. In many cultures, the husband's father, as head of the family, would be the ultimate arbiter between family and state. But in our specific inherited marriage tradition, the two shall become "one flesh."
Michael Schiavo, who wants the hospital to discontinue giving Terri food and water, is Terri's husband in the sense that 13 years ago he was married to her. He is now living with another woman, who has given him one child and is pregnant with another. A million-dollar medical malpractice judgment is at stake: If he divorces Terri, she would get it. If he gets the hospital to refuse her food and water, he and his concubine and their children will get it. The conflict of interest is palpable. Terri and Michael are no longer "one flesh."
To pretend that Michael Schiavo can possibly have Terri Schiavo's best interests at heart is, at best, dishonest. Posted by Orrin Judd at November 1, 2003 11:47 AM
If he would simply say, "I don't want the money, it will all go to charity once she's passed," or something to that effect, many would stop questioning his motives. I still would not think it right to starve someone to death, although I am not completely adverse to pulling plugs (I feel it does depend on the individual circumstance).
What does he need the money for anyway? It seems like he lost no time in the tragedy. He's got a new lady and a couple of kids. Where's the "pain and suffering?"
Posted by: NKR at November 1, 2003 5:53 PM