November 24, 2003
THOSE DIVIDED DEMOCRATS (Michael Barone, 12/1/03, US news)
If the un-Dean wins, Dean's enthusiastic supporters will be bitterly disappointed. Some will not want to vote for a Democrat who voted for military action in Iraq. The Green Party nominee, whether Ralph Nader runs or not, could easily exceed the 3 percent Nader won in 2000. That would hurt with the electorate this closely divided. Just ask Al Gore.The Democrats' problem will be different if Dean is nominated. Their problem will be with American exceptionalism. That is the idea, shared by most Americans, that this country is unique and special, with unique virtues and special responsibilities--a city on a hill, as John Winthrop and Ronald Reagan put it, with the responsibility to spread freedom and democracy around the world. Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman, John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan were all American exceptionalists. So, as we have seen with ever increasing clarity, is Bush. Dean doesn't seem to be, and neither do most of his followers. When they say they want to take their country back, they mean they want the United States to take its place as just one of many nations, with no claim to moral superiority, heeding the cautions of France, Germany, and Russia; deferring to the United Nations or NATO; seeking the respect of the protesters in the streets of London or the opinion writers in Le Monde.
Bad enough to project as much anger as Mr. Dean does, but conveying dislike for your own country is a truly dubious strategy.
Posted by Orrin Judd at November 24, 2003 9:04 AM
Whenever I see a nice middle class family driving
around NH with a "Dean for America" sticker I
can't help but think these people are really
prepared to sell their kids American Dream out
in favor of an ever expanding welfare state
and a reactionary foreign policy.
What is it about the affluent, white middle-class
that sees Dean as being in their interest?
The Deaniacs will vote democrat no matter who is running. They will not vote for a Green again. The root of their Dean support is hatred for George Bush. They would vote for Satan to remove the president from office. The only way for them to achieve their goal is to vote for the democrat, whoever that may be. Right now, they're just trying really hard to make sure he's the guy they really do want.
Believe me, their hatred is stronger than their ideology.
Posted by: NKR at November 24, 2003 10:39 AMGuilt and cowardice are a potent mixture. Combine them with condescension, and you get one heck of a mess.
I have the feeling VT would be more at home in the EU than in the USA.
Posted by: jim hamlen at November 24, 2003 10:40 AMApparently, Ted Rall has endorsed Dean, and Dean is boasting about it.
Posted by: David Cohen at November 24, 2003 10:49 AM