November 29, 2003


The Promised Land (DAVID BROOKS, 11/29/03, NY Times)

The history of American conservatism is an exodus tale. It begins in the wilderness, in the early 1950's, with Russell Kirk, Milton Friedman and William F. Buckley Jr. writing tracts for small bands of true believers.

Conservatives crashed into the walls of power during the Goldwater debacle of 1964, and then breached those walls with Reagan's triumph 16 years later. But even with Reagan in the Oval Office, Republicans were not the majority party. Democrats controlled the House, and few Reaganites actually knew how to run a government.

In 1994, with the Gingrich revolution, the conservatives strode closer to the center of power. But even then, they were not quite there. For the rule of exodus tales is that the chiefs who lead in the wilderness and storm the citadels do not get to govern once their troops have occupied the city. Renegades are too combative to govern well.

It was only this week that we can truly say the exodus story is over, with the success of the Medicare reform bill. This week the G.O.P. behaved as a majority party in full. The Republicans used the powers of government to entrench their own dominance. They used their control of the federal budget to create a new entitlement, to woo new allies and service a key constituency group, the elderly.

From now on, as Tony Blankley observed in The Washington Times, if you work at an interest group and you want to know what's going on with your legislation, you have to go to the Republicans. The Democrats don't even know the state of play.

One does wish that Ronald Reagan were in possession of his senses so that he could see his people arrive in the Promised Land.

Posted by Orrin Judd at November 29, 2003 10:53 AM

Now starts the hard part.

It's easy to follow the Democrats playbook, as the GOP did with Medicare last week. But now they need to come up with ways to implement their own policies and philosophy, both of which aren't easily translated into buying off interest groups with more gov't handouts.

Posted by: Raoul Ortega at November 29, 2003 5:18 PM