November 11, 2003


SPEAKING OF THE MATRIX (Edward Driscoll, 11/10/03)

One of the trailers before The Matrix: Revolutions was Disney's The Alamo, starring Billy Bob Thornton as Davy Crockett, and scheduled for a Christmas release. My mind started going through my Hollywood checklist, as my hackles started to raise...

Many of you will have had coonskin caps and flintlocks when you were kids, thanks to Disney's series Davy Crockett. Wait'll you see what the PC nitwits at Disney did this time...

Posted by Orrin Judd at November 11, 2003 12:18 AM

Has anyone seen "Love, Actually" yet? I went out with the fiancee the other night to catch "Elf", but it was sold out, so we ended up seeing that one. It's a schmaltzy, convoluted, but at most times enjoyable love story, but for one scene. Hugh Grant plays the prime minister of England, and he returns to his private chamber to catch the President of the United States, Billy Bob Thornton, coming on to his secretary. Later, at a joint press conference, the PM surprises the Prez by announcing that Britain won't stand for American bullying any more, to the apparent wild cheers of everyone in London. It was such an over-the-top political message in an otherwise benign romantic comedy set during Christmas that it was practically impossible to even get upset. For the first time the arty, Hollywood libs really made me feel embarassed for them instead of infuriated by them.

Posted by: Matt C at November 11, 2003 9:23 AM

I've already had my hackles raised over the preview for the live-action "Cat In the Hat" movie, which features a clip of Mike Myers as the title character making sexually-related noises while looking at a picture of the kids' mom.

I guess the producers and Myers figured Dr Seuss needed a little Austin Powers sensability to make things interesting for themselves, without caring about it completely altering the tone of the story. I'm only surprised The Cat didn't refer to mom as "Shagariffic."

Posted by: John at November 11, 2003 10:02 AM

I thought Disney had reached the zenith of tepid pc c**p with Spirit until I saw Brother Bear this weekend. Spirit looks positively muscular next to this movie. Plus, I was tortured with Phil Collins music for nearly 2 hours.

My husband didn't think it was too bad. But thats because he had the luxury of taking a nap during 3/4 of the movie. I had to hold a squiriming 2 year old, so sweet escape was denied.

What is with Disney, anyway? Are they ashamed of Uncle Walt's take on the west, the frontier and its heroes?

Posted by: Buttercup at November 11, 2003 10:37 AM

Thank God Disney is at least importing the Miyazaki movies.

Posted by: Judd at November 11, 2003 11:02 AM


Br'er Bear was insipid, but the kids did love it.

Posted by: oj at November 11, 2003 11:47 AM


My niece did too. Damn.

Posted by: Brian (MN) at November 11, 2003 12:29 PM

My kids loved it, too. I've already had a dozen requests to see it again. Thank goodness their grandmother is available to take them and has little idea what she is in for. But, then again, she liked The Contender and highly recommended it, so I just consider it payback.

Now, if only there was a Pokemon double feature with Brother Bear, then we would be even steven.

I also agree about the Miyazaki movies, even though Princess Monoke (sp?) was darn near incomprehensible. At least to me.

Posted by: Buttercup at November 11, 2003 12:42 PM