November 13, 2003
Watching Different Films (Dennis Prager, 11/07/03, Catholic Exchange)
First, what Jews see. The Jews in [The Passion] (except, of course, for those who believe in Jesus) are cruel and often sadistic. One prominent Christian who saw the film along with my wife and me said that while watching the film he wanted to take a gun and shoot those who had brought such pain to Jesus. I couldn't blame him. The Jews in the film manipulate the Romans - who are depicted as patsies of the Jews and in the case of Pilate, as morally far more elevated - into torturing and murdering a beautiful man.Why does this bother Jews so much? Because for nearly 2,000 years, attacked as "Christ-killers," countless Jewish men, women and children were tortured and murdered in ways that often caused more suffering than even Jesus endured (e.g., not only tortured and murdered themselves, but also seeing their families and friends raped, tortured and murdered). For Jews to worry that a major movie made by one of the world's superstars depicts Jews as having Christ tortured and killed might arouse anti-Semitic passions is not paranoid. Even though Islam denies the crucifixion, it is difficult to imagine that this film will not be a hit in the virulently anti-Semitic Arab world.
It is essential that Christians understand this. Every Jew, secular, religious, assimilated, left-wing, right-wing, fears being killed because he is Jewish. This is the best-kept secret about Jews, who are widely perceived as inordinately secure and powerful. But it is the only universally held sentiment among Jews. After the Holocaust and with Islamic terrorists seeking to murder Jews today, this, too, is not paranoid.
However, what Jews need to understand is that most American Christians watching this film do not see "the Jews" as the villains in the passion story historically, let alone today. First, most American Christians - Catholic and Protestant - believe that a sinning humanity killed Jesus, not "the Jews." Second, they know that Christ's entire purpose was to come to this world and to be killed for humanity's sins. To the Christian, God made it happen, not the Jews or the Romans (the Book of Acts says precisely that). Third, a Christian who hates Jews today for what he believes some Jews did 2,000 years ago only reflects on the low moral, intellectual and religious state of that Christian. Imagine what Jews would think of a Jew who hated Egyptians after watching "The Ten Commandments," and you get an idea of how most Christians would regard a Christian who hated Jews after watching The Passion.
Jews also need to understand another aspect of The Passion controversy. Just as Jews are responding to centuries of Christian anti-Semitism (virtually all of it in Europe), many Christians are responding to decades of Christian-bashing - films and art mocking Christian symbols, a war on virtually any public Christian expression (from the death of the Christmas party to the moral identification of fundamentalist Christians with fundamentalist Muslims). Moreover, many Jewish groups and media people now attacking The Passion have a history of irresponsibly labeling conservative Christians anti-Semitic.
Actually, it's almost impossible to imagine the film being shown much in the Islamic world, precisely because its message is so powerful. If it were to become a hit there it would be a very good thing. Posted by Orrin Judd at November 13, 2003 7:55 AM
Good article.
Posted by: Peter B at November 13, 2003 8:19 AMTheologically, the atonement is abhorrent to Muslims, because they believe that they themselves must satisfy the anger of God towards sin. The very word 'islam' means to submit, and through this submission one earns his reward. The death of Christ as a substitution takes away the opportunity to earn God's favor, so they reject it.
Islam considers Jesus to be a prophet, which presents a vexing problem: if Christ is a prophet, how does one understand his claim of divinity? Can a prophet lie?
Posted by: jim hamlen at November 13, 2003 8:41 AMI agree, good article. I enjoy Prager's essays in general.
Posted by: Bruce Cleaver at November 13, 2003 8:58 AMI think Islam gets around the lying prophet question by denying Jesus ever said such thing. The "party line" of Muslims is that while Abraham, Moses, and Jesus were all prophets of God, their followers either didn't understand or corrupted their teachings, because all three actually taught was true Islam, not what Jews and Christians believe today.
I'm not an expert on Islam and could be wrong, but I'm fairly sure it's right.
Posted by: Chris Durnell at November 13, 2003 10:45 AMWhat prophet avoided having their teachings corrupted, or misunderstood ?
Even Mormons have differences of opinion about doctrine and practice, and we have a living prophet.
Posted by: Michael Herdegen at November 13, 2003 11:21 AMIt's almost impossible to imagine the film being shown much in Islamic countries? Don't be absurd. In a lot of Arab countries anti-Semitism trumps all other concerns. It's real easy to imagine any Passion movie showing Jews in any sort of negative way becoming popular in Egypt among both Christians and Muslims.
Most complaints about the movie are probably greatly overstated, but there may be a legitimate complaint about the movie inciting anti-Semitic violence in some parts of the world. It would show horribly poor judgement to release this movie in the West Bank while the intifada's still running.
It would be worth the traee off there, as it has been here. Anti-semitism is secondary to the story, after all.
Posted by: oj at November 13, 2003 12:55 PMOne of Mr. Prager's main points is that Jews and Christians *in the same audience* see two different films.
Surely a Muslim audience would see its own, as well. And Jews = bad would be most of it.
By the way, for anybody who can listen to radio at work, Mr. Prager is on in many cities coast-to-coast weekdays noon to 3 p.m. Eastern time.
Yesterday he spent an hour with Univ. of Delaware physicist Stephen Barr on Prof. Barr's book 'Modern Physics and Ancient Faith'.
Posted by: old maltese at November 13, 2003 2:37 PM