November 23, 2003
Democrats Insist Republicans Pull Bush Ad (JENNIFER C. KERR, 11/23.03, Associated Press)
Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle is demanding that Republicans stop showing their first television ad of the 2004 presidential race, which he called "repulsive and outrageous."The 30-second ad, featuring clips of Bush during his State of the Union address last January, portrays the president as a fighter of terrorism as Democrats retreat from the fight.
"It's wrong. It's erroneous, and I think that they ought to pull the ad," Daschle told NBC's "Meet the Press" program on Sunday.
"We all want to defeat terrorism," the South Dakota senator said. But "to chastise and to question the patriotism of those who are in opposition to some of the president's plans I think is wrong." [...]
Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy called it an "attempt to stifle dissent." On ABC's "This Week," Kennedy said "dissent is a basic part of what our whole society is about."
Senator Kennedy has it just about right--Democrats do have a right to dissent from the war on terror and advocate retreat. Posted by Orrin Judd at November 23, 2003 11:25 PM
Until prominent Democrats start talking like John McCain ("May God have mercy on them, because we won't"), they will remain disappointed by this issue. The insanity in Istanbul is just another reminder of what is going on, and what we must fight. Daschle and Kennedy couldn't fight their way out of a Nerfball convention.
Posted by: jim hamlen at November 24, 2003 12:25 AMoj,
I've been looking at the parallels between the Copperheads in 1864 and today's Dems. Are you aware of any scholarly work in this area? Not the comparison but a decent study of the Copperheads.
Posted by: RDB at November 24, 2003 1:42 AMIf, in fact, the Dems are serious about fighting terror, then their problem is one of style.
Assuming that the Afghan campaign met with everyone's approval, but that they feel Iraq was overstepping, then they should condemn the war in Iraq, but ALSO be strongly pushing for more troops in Afghanistan, more aid for Afghan infrastructure, and a higher body count of the regrouping Al-Qaeda and Taliban elements.
Since all major international aid and military organizations are already involved in Afghanistan, it would be very easy to ramp up the activities there.
Among the major Democratic Presidential candidates, and national leaders, only Lieberman appears to stand for something other than bashing Iraq.
They need to be pro-active, not just reactive.
Oh there is a lot more they would have to do than just that.
Let's start with the "wrong" and "erroneous": They would have to stop undermining homeland security by lying (grossly exaggerating, at best) about the Patriot Act.
They would have to stop managing Sanate Intelligence Committees for the benefit of politicizing the same intelligence apparatus they built and buit down.
They would have to distance themselves with the polemicsts on their side who undermine American leadership worldwide by their simplistic "charicaturization" of the Administration and, when not enough to make the point, America. (If you don't think that Moore, Krugman, et al are textbooks for the Euro Left, look again.)
They would have to place efficiency in hiring ang managing over labor unions.
They would have to be begin to try to "find" (since this seems so hard for them) all the evidence amidst them of the progress our troops have been making in building a country ravaged by tyranny (Saddam's) and complacency (the world community).
But, mostly, can they express true constructive dissent, replete with realistic options as opposed to just whine.
They're hypocrites of the first order. Just listen to their outrageous T.V. ad's and their news sound bights. Their position couldn't be clearer: sap the will of the public! TET at home all over again.
I've only seen excerpts of the Bush, ad so far, as the media allows the "Hypocrats" to bash it. Something like free advertising for them.
Personally, from the little I've seen of the ad ... the message needs to be made.
On the subject of broadcast T.V., may the most undesirable of aliens just turned citizen after mummy passed on ... Peter baby ... and his suurogate George Steponpopulis have bad dreams. A Bush victory in 2004, like in the high 50's, would do it.
Posted by: genecis at November 24, 2003 10:24 AMThe statements that have been made by Kennedy, Gephardt, Daschle, et. al. have been "outrageous." I doubt there's a bit of untruth in the disputed ad. All the RNC would have to do is contrast Bush's statements with the ridiculous mouthings of the democrats and it would be a home run.
You could run their comments in full context and the result would be the same. How they'd cry foul!!
Posted by: NKR at November 24, 2003 10:48 AM