November 18, 2003
Medicare Plan Covering Drugs Backed by AARP (ROBERT PEAR and ROBIN TONER, 11/18/03, NY TIMES)
AARP, the largest and most influential organization of older Americans, threw its weight behind a bill on Monday that offers drug benefits to the elderly as part of the biggest transformation of Medicare in its 38-year history.President Bush and Republican leaders in Congress stepped up their efforts to win votes for the legislation, which would give private health insurance companies a huge new role in Medicare. AARP's endorsement, long coveted by Republicans in Congress, was considered a critical step in the drive for passage of the legislation this year.
The endorsement provides a seal of approval from an organization with 35 million members. Republicans hope it also provides political cover against charges by some Democrats that the bill would undermine the federal insurance program for the elderly and disabled. The group will support the bill with $7 million worth of newspaper and television advertising this week, and officials said it was prepared to spend more.
Still, some Democrats, led by Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, escalated their attacks on the legislation. Mr. Kennedy called the legislation a dangerous attempt to privatize Medicare, "using our seniors as guinea pigs." Many Senate Democrats were clearly torn over the bill, which delivers a prescription drug benefit the party has sought for many years but would also, many contend, undermine the program over the long term.
The ad campaign for the GOP in the '04 elections almost writes itself: "Despite endorsement of this bipartisan plan by the AARP, extremist Democrats, led by Ted Kennedy, deep-sixed prescription drug coverage...." Posted by Orrin Judd at November 18, 2003 8:29 AM
Pray for a filibuster.
Posted by: David Cohen at November 18, 2003 8:49 AMConservative groups are lining up against the bill, focusing on the $400Bn price tag and saying the bill doesn't contain any real reform. Either they are right and Bush is buying votes or OJ is right and this another trojan horse change of the govt. Agree that a Dem filibuster of a bill supported by the AARP would make them look terrible.
Posted by: AWW at November 18, 2003 9:11 AMW rolled Teddy once, he won't be able to do it again.
It is a trojan horse, there's a pilot program nestled amongst the money.
Posted by: Sandy P. at November 18, 2003 10:06 AMAt this point, Teddy doesn't matter - if he and Daschle try to stop the bill, they lose big time, particularly because none of the major echoes will dare oppose it (on NPR yesterday, Dean changed the subject pretty fast for someone who claims to be an expert). Kennedy doesn't realize how irrelevant he is to most of America. 20 years ago, he was a red flag for conservatives, but now he is just a stale burp.
However, I do agree with David that the overall bill is almost certainly a mess and passage is a very risky proposition for our future.
Posted by: jim hamlen at November 18, 2003 10:26 AM