November 21, 2003
Soros, Europeans: Die Juden sind unser Unglueck! Holocaust II? (Nicholas Stix, November 24, 2003, A Different Drummer)
On November 5, 2003, billionaire financier George Soros arose at a function to say, in so many words, "Die Juden sind unser Unglueck!" He blamed the Jews, Israel, and the policies of Pres. George W. Bush, for the rise in world anti-Semitism in recent years, most dramatically, since 911."There is a resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe. The policies of the Bush administration and the Sharon administration contribute to that. It's not specifically anti-Semitism, but it does manifest itself in anti-Semitism as well. I'm critical of those policies.
"If we change that direction, then anti-Semitism also will diminish. I can't see how one could confront it directly."
Soros also responded to recent remarks by powerful anti-Semites, such as Mahathir Mohammad, who just stepped down as Malaysia’s prime minister, that the Jews, particularly, Jewish financiers like Soros, rule the world.
Mohammad: "The Jews rule the world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them."
Soros: "I'm also very concerned about my own role because the new anti-Semitism holds that the Jews rule the world. As an unintended consequence of my actions, I also contribute to that image."
There are, of course, huge differences between Kristallnacht and Sorosnacht. First and foremost, Hungarian-born George Soros, whose family fled the Nazis, is a Jew! During the Nazi era of 1933-1945, it was unheard of for Jews to blame Jews for anti-Semitism. There were Jews who aided the Nazis in the killing of Jews, but that involved the extraordinary case of the "Kapos," Jews in the death camps who bought themselves a little time, by leading other Jews to the “showers,” where they were gassed to death.
There is, however, precedent for Jews letting other Jews die, through deferring to murderous anti-Semitism. Once Hitler began carrying out his "Final Solution" in early 1943, Rabbi Stephen Wise and other American Jewish leaders found out about the genocide, but refused to publicize it, out of deference to Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt. FDR was in a position to bomb the death camps, or at the very least, the rail lines leading to them, but instead did nothing, costing millions of Jews their lives.
But this is a different time, a time of wealthy Jewish prostitutes, Jewish anti-Semites, and even Jewish Nazis.
And George Soros was not speaking before an audience of genocidal anti-Semites, a la Yassir Arafat, UN Human Rights Commissar Mary Robinson, or the al Qaeda leadership. Rather, he was speaking before the Jewish Funders Network, a group of multimillionaire Jewish philanthropists and their bureaucrats, in Manhattan’s Harvard Club.
Rather than vilify Soros, the prostitutes, er, philanthropists, were polite to a fault. Event organizers Michael Steinhardt and Mark Charendoff, said nice things, and even saved Soros from further embarrassing himself. According to Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) reporter Uriel Heilman, Steinhardt interrupted Soros’ defense of anti-Semitism. "’George Soros does not think Jews should be hated any more than they deserve to be,’ Steinhardt said by way of clarification, eliciting chuckles from the audience."
George Soros was on NPR one night, talking about how Vladimir Putin was threatening Russian democracy. The correspondent, after letting him do his shtick for awhile, asked if having first helped pass Campaign Finance Reform and then spending $25 million of his own money to defeat George W. Bush, he too isn't a threat to democracy--American democracy. Mr. Soros answered that CFR got special interest money out of politics but that as an individual he could have no special interests and, at any rate, had nothing to gain from his personal political activity. The correspondent failed to laugh, never mind follow up on these absurd assertions. If only Mr. Stix had been conducting the interview. Posted by Orrin Judd at November 21, 2003 10:35 AM
The really funny thing is the raving Muslim anti-Semitic leader of Indonesia, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad,bitterly criticized Soros six years ago for causing the Asian financial currency crisis.
Maybe they can sit down soon over a non-alcoholic beer, share their hatred of Israel and iron out their differences...
Posted by: John at November 21, 2003 10:53 AMKen Lay, if I recall correctly, was also an individual.
Posted by: some random person at November 21, 2003 10:54 AMGeorge Soros is a rich old man, who is afraid of death and needs some kind of focus to keep him going. Could have been turtles, instead it's Bush. Maybe Karl Rove didn't return the Soros phone calls, either.
Posted by: jim hamlen at November 21, 2003 11:16 AMA Jewish Ted Turner?
Posted by: Peter B at November 21, 2003 11:20 AMOJ's post of the Sharansky piece earlier this week points out that whatever Jews do (or don't do), someone will say that it contributes to anti-Semitism. Before Israel, the argument was, "if only they weren't so weak and had a place of their own..." Now it's "If only Israel, and it's ally the US, didn't push everyone around..."
Same old crap. And similar to something I heard on NPR this morning: a Brit talking about Bush's visit saying that if we didn't go into Iraq and otherwise fight injustice around the world, the terrorists wouldn't be blowing up innocents in Turkey.
Posted by: Foos at November 21, 2003 11:54 AMJohn,
And guess who was retained as financial advisor by Malaysia during the currency crisis?
El Krugmano himself. So Paul Krugman was both an Enron AND a Mohatir advisor. Nice work if you can get it and still be allowed to pontificate about your moral superiority.
Posted by: MG at November 21, 2003 3:25 PMMG --
Yes, I saw that connection mentioned a couple of weeks ago. Based on that, and what Soros tried to do to Indonesia's Krugman-assisted economy, isn't Paul going after the wrong guy named George in his New York Times columns? He should be warning the Democrats about the corrupting self-centered goals of an evil billionaire like Soros, since he tried to crush the currency of his buddy Mohatir and take down the entire Southeast Asian economy in the process, an economy Krugman helped shape.
Currency traders, or speculators, don't try to "crush" anything.
Like stock market short-sellers, they simply identify areas where the market is out of whack with reality, and bet that reality will re-assert itself.
They perform a valuable service, just like coal-mine canaries.
"coal-mine canaries"
that's a cheery thought. You mean Soros might choke on his own gaseous emissions?
Posted by: h-man at November 22, 2003 5:15 AM