November 8, 2003


The six-week runoff campaign seems to be turning voters off (Mike Hasten, November 7, 2003, Lafayette Advertiser)

This six-week runoff campaign in the governor’s race is much too long.

Instead of generating more interest in the campaigns of Kathleen Blanco and Bobby Jindal, it seems to be turning voters off. Turnout on Nov. 15 could be one of the lowest in history.

Pollster: Jindal likely winner if election turnout low (The Associated Press, November 6, 2003)
Republican Bobby Jindal and Democrat Kathleen Blanco are only a few points apart in the latest poll, but Jindal is likely to win if few people vote, the pollster says.

Posted by Orrin Judd at November 8, 2003 9:25 AM
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