October 19, 2003
Not such a funny girl (Scotland on Sunday, 10/19/03)
THE most horrifying sentences in the English language (in ascending order of terror) run as follows. Your bank card has been withheld. This figure is only an estimate. I have written a novel, would you give it a look? The boss wants to see you. This is going to hurt a bit, I’m afraid. Come and see Barbra Streisand sing a song to her dead dog on television.Posted by Orrin Judd at October 19, 2003 10:40 AMWith huge pictures of her ex-poodle Sammy projected behind her, Barbra Streisand last week launched her 60th album, a collection of film tunes, with a rare television appearance, crooning Smile in tribute to her pet, who had been dispatched to the great kennel in the sky 12 months earlier. Here was a showbiz legend taking us through every furball of her deceased dog. To paraphrase Oscar Wilde on the death of Little Nell: it would take the heart of Carla Lane not to laugh out loud.
Yesterday was the 40th anniversary of the day a gawky Streisand made her debut in London. The Daily Mail told its readers to remember the young American’s oddly spelt name. However, their prescience did not extend to telling cabaret drag artistes, nail technicians and comedy writers that a major meal ticket had just arrived.
Whoever wrote that editorial is an undiscovered humourist waiting to hit the big time.
Posted by: Steve Martinovich at October 19, 2003 3:36 PM'What's up, Doc ?' was good.
Posted by: Michael Herdegen at October 20, 2003 7:41 AM