December 18, 2002


-AUDIO: Latino Americans (All Things Considered, December 17, 2002, NPR)
The results of a poll asking Latino Americans about their sense of identity and their experiences in coming to America demonstrates the folly in trying to lump people from a variety of Spanish-speaking countries into one generalized group. It finds the majority identify first with their country of origin, rather than with "all Latinos." And the poll points out the difficulty in assimilating in a new country. NPR's Lynn Neary talks with Roberto Suro, director of the Pew Hispanic Center about the Pew Hispanic Center/Kaiser Family Foundation 2002 National Survey of Latinos.

This poll, with results suggesting that even second and third generation Latinos are more socially conservative than most Anglos, raises an issue that nativists seem unlikely to confront: if you believe in "American" values aren't these immigrants your allies and not your enemies? The obvious corollary is: if they share your ideals and you still oppose their entering the U.S., what reason remains except for ethnicity? Posted by Orrin Judd at December 18, 2002 9:23 AM

Oh, now All Things Considered is a reliable source.


Pay attention to point #5:

"And abortion? There are more legal restrictions on abortion in Mexico than in the U.S., but in Mexico laws against abortion are not enforced! According to one calculation, there are more abortions performed in Mexico, per capita, than in the U.S.! And in the U.S.A. Hispanic women have more abortions than non-Hispanic women!"

Posted by: Derek Copold at December 18, 2002 11:01 AM

One assumes America can enforce laws more effectively than Mexico.

Posted by: oj at December 18, 2002 11:58 AM

That rather misses the point. If this group was as naturally socially conservative as you're claiming, then there wouldn't be a problem enforcing the laws, certainly not a bigger one than the U.S. has.

Also, Hispanics in the U.S. have a higher abortion rate as well.

Posted by: Derek Copold at December 18, 2002 1:11 PM

To say they are "more conservative" tells me nothing.

More conventionally superstitiously Catholic, sure.

More conservative politically? Not necessarily.

The crazy -- though not unexpected -- thing about that interview was the interviewers shock and disapproval at the idea that "latinos" are not coalescing into a racist political pressure group. She was awfully disappointed to hear that.

Posted by: Harry at December 18, 2002 1:11 PM


We're getting, as we always have in immigration, the best of their populace. The higher abortion rates are likely a function of already sizable families and less use of birth control. From a purely demographic viewpoint, it's fine to have abortions once you've had a few kids. The problem is the Anglos who are using them to make sure they have one or none.

Posted by: oj at December 18, 2002 1:28 PM

I'm still waiting for all those "socially conservative" blacks to vote Republican en masse because of abortion,an argument big tent Repubs loudly made in the 80's and never panned out.

For those migrants from south of the border,voting themselves free housing,health care,food stamps and educations for their kids and making things "more like home" will trump "values" everytime,just as with blacks.And now,thanks to Lott and the neo-cons,the racial spoils system will be even more deeply entrenched.

Now you understand the why they're called the "stupid party" among other reasons.

Posted by: Mr. Shero T Donintato at December 20, 2002 10:54 AM