December 23, 2002


Farrakhan tells his followers in Britain to rise against 'Satanic' colonial powers (Matthew Beard, 23 December 2002, Independent uk)
"What is it about Louis Farrakhan that the Government fears? Great Britain has ruled and dominated the world. It has imposed government, jurisprudence, education and social norms in every country it has conquered ... and been colonial master.

"Why should you fear anything coming from the mouth of a black man from America if you've told your people the truth?''

To whoops of delight and cries of "make it plain, black man'', he then told the audience the mentality of the British slave traders Sir John Hawkins and Willie Lynch was still affecting Britain. He said: "As long as we have to look to Europe as our masters we are still under the tutelage of former colonial masters.'' Mr Farrakhan then compared the enduring influence of colonial powers to a skunk urinating on its victim.

To cries of "Farrakhan! Farrakhan!'' He continued: "That is why you have to wash from the stench of having intercourse with Satan.''

He said the fight for black people had changed and the battle was among themselves after five decades fighting the British Establishment. He said: "Your enemy is right next door to you. Selling crack cocaine to your babies, committing drive-by shootings, turning communities into war zones and turning girls into prostitutes. This is not an accident but absolutely by design.''

It's time for Democrats to stand up and be counted on their own troubling tendency to flirt with racism. Though I'm personally supportive of the social works that the Nation of Islam does in the black community, there's little question that much of its ideology and leadership is racist and has been since its founding. Louis Farrakhan was even implicated, both directly and indirectly, in the assassination of Malcom X, after Brother Malcolm returned from Mecca a changed man, one who repudiated the Nation's racism.
Posted by Orrin Judd at December 23, 2002 12:00 PM

I have a hard time thinking that Democrats will take

Sharpton's candidacy seriously, although I expect the

loons at NPR and suchlike venues to devote lots of air

time to the implications of his candidacy, at least

until the returns of the first caucuses or primaries come in.

I'm with you on holding the Democrats' (and everybody

else's) feet to the fire on racism.

NPR, to take a likely suspect, had a "report" Saturday

on playing the race card in elections. It spent quite a

bit of time in Georgia but managed, once again, not to

mention McKinney's antisemitism.

Posted by: Harry at December 23, 2002 1:11 PM

Here is a link to The New Republic, commenting on Joe Lieberman's meeting with Loius Farrakhan during the 2000 election campaign.


And, a bit of reporting o the reporting:


Happy Holidays, gents.

Posted by: Tom Maguire at December 23, 2002 4:16 PM

Hear, hear. I see now rumblings of some Dems who want to continue the Trent Lott battle by tarring the GOP as inherently racist. Such thinking smacks of overreach, and if Dems and "civil rights" activists intent to persue such a course, the GOP can blast back with both barrels, and probably win the battle to boot. It is most definitely time to start holding the extreme leftist allies of the Democratic Party accountable for what they say and do.

Ideas DO mattter.

Posted by: Andrew X at December 23, 2002 5:04 PM