October 1, 2002
The Other Brother--who having served is sensitive to the issue--points out that to allow the Democrats to switch horses in mid-stream would amount, once again, to their attempted disenfranchising of military men, many of whom will have already voted, some from fields of actual combat.
Also, on Imus in the Morning, they interviewed Doug Forrester and Bernard McGuirk had the best line: right now NJ has one Senator who bought his seat and one who sold his.
Posted by Orrin Judd at October 1, 2002 10:27 AMIt's entirely possible that McAuliffe and Clinton want the whole issue to end up in the Supreme Court as much as they want a new candidate in the seat. A ruling by the N.J. Supreme Court for replacing Torricelli that Republicans appealed to the high court would allow Dmocrats to bring out all the November-December 200 rhetoric again, and -- in their minds -- re-energize their political base all across the country.
Given that no other issues are working for them right now, this could be Bill and Terry's "Hail Mary" pass for the 2002 elections.
All in five weeks?
Posted by: oj at October 1, 2002 11:16 AMIt's hard to see a federal constitutional issue here - the Supreme's can't reverse the NJ supreme court on NJ law - but if I remember correctly there's at least one case that found a federal equal protection issue when a state court started to muck around with state election law. The details are a little hazy . . .
Posted by: David Cohen at October 1, 2002 11:28 AM