September 5, 2002


Democrats Reject Bush Pick in Battle Over Court Balance (Neil A. Lewis, 9/05/02, NY Times)
The Senate Judiciary Committee rejected President Bush's choice for a federal appeals court post today in a party-line vote that highlighted the increasingly irreconcilable dispute between the White House and Senate Democrats over judicial nominations. [...]

All 10 of the committee's Democrats voted to reject the nomination of Justice Owen, a staunch conservative member of the Texas Supreme Court, to the federal appeals court. All nine Republican members voted in her favor.

There was little enough decency left in the Democratic Party after their complicity in the crimes of Bill Clinton. A party which, whatever else we may have thought of them, had always stood for little people against the powerful, for women against the predations of men, and for the idea that no man is above the law, let Clinton get off scott free despite a series of assaults on women and an obvious attempt to obstruct justice when a government underling brought suit against him for one of the more minor of the attacks.
Posted by Orrin Judd at September 5, 2002 11:22 PM
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