September 30, 2002


Democratic Congressman Asserts Bush Would Mislead U.S. on Iraq (JOHN H. CUSHMAN Jr., September 30, 2002, NY Times)
Speaking of the administration, Mr. McDermott said, "I believe that sometimes they give out misinformation." Then he added: "It would not surprise me if they came up with some information that is not provable, and they've shifted. First they said it was Al Qaeda, then they said it was weapons of mass destruction. Now they're going back and saying it's Al Qaeda again."

When pressed for evidence about whether President Bush had lied, Mr. McDermott said, "I think the president would mislead the American people." But he said he believed that inspections of Iraq's weapons programs could be worked out.

"I think they will come up with a regime that will not require coercive inspections," Mr. McDermott said, anticipating meetings on Monday between Hans Blix, the leader of the United Nations inspection group, and Iraqi officials.

"They said they would allow us to go look anywhere we wanted," he said of the Iraqis. "And until they don't do that, there is no need to do this coercive stuff where you bring in helicopters and armed people and storm buildings."

"Otherwise you're just trying to provoke them into war," he added.

Mr. Bonior, the second-ranking Democrat in the House, said: "We've got to move forward in a way that's fair and impartial. That means not having the United States or the Iraqis dictate the rules to these inspections."

They can say anything they want about the President, but negotiating for better terms for an enemy--from their soil, in a time of war--at least borders on treason. Posted by Orrin Judd at September 30, 2002 7:53 AM

I think it is treason!

Posted by: marc frustaci at September 30, 2002 1:18 PM

Most democrats keep their anti-American agenda hidden. The three Baghdad boneheads make no secret about it.

Posted by: Peter at September 30, 2002 2:56 PM