September 29, 2002


Taking Sides (Christopher Hitchens, October 14, 2002, The Nation)
I am on the side of the Iraqi and Kurdish opponents of this filthy menace. And they are on the side of civil society in a wider conflict, which is the civil war now
burning across the Muslim world from Indonesia to Nigeria. The theocratic and absolutist side in this war hopes to win it by exporting it here, which in turn means that we have no expectation of staying out of the war, and no right to be neutral in it. But there are honorable allies to be made as well, and from now on all of our cultural and political intelligence will be required in order to earn their friendship and help isolate and destroy their enemies, who are now ours--or perhaps I should say mine. [...]

When I began work for The Nation over two decades ago, Victor Navasky described the magazine as a debating ground between liberals and radicals, which was, I thought, well judged. In the past few weeks, though, I have come to realize that the magazine itself takes a side in this argument, and is becoming the voice and the echo chamber of those who truly believe that John Ashcroft is a greater menace than Osama bin Laden. (I too am resolutely opposed to secret imprisonment and terror-hysteria, but not in the same way as I am opposed to those who initiated the aggression, and who are planning future ones.) In these circumstances it seems to me false to continue the association, which is why I have decided to make this "Minority Report" my last one.

If any of you are old enough, imagine yourself in 1980 and someone tells you that in twenty years you'll agree more with Chris Hitchens than with Pat Buchanan. (Of course, the beauty of conservatism is that you can have stayed in exactly the same place while they reversed positions.) Posted by Orrin Judd at September 29, 2002 1:23 PM

It's a little like the definition of a Republican: a Democrat who has been mugged.

A conservative Republican is a Republican who has been mugged twice.

Posted by: John J. Coupal at September 29, 2002 3:13 PM