September 4, 2002


Bush administration preparing to make a case for war with Iraq (Ron Hutcheson, Warren P. Strobel and James Kuhnhenn, Sep. 03, 2002, Knight Ridder Newspapers)
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., just back from Europe, said she detected growing opposition to the United States among America's allies. "The driver of a lot of this animus," she said, "is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. To leave this unresolved and to attack an Arab country is going to be viewed as an attack on the Arab world."

She said the anti-American sentiment was so strong that she felt it personally.

"As an American, I have always been proud," Feinstein said. "I have a (U.S. flag) pin. I was embarrassed to wear it."

The idea that Ms Feinstein was a serious woman deserving of respect died on the day she voted not to impeach Bill Clinton, but one hopes this quote is just inartfully expressed because it is outrageous. Is she really ashamed of her country? Posted by Orrin Judd at September 4, 2002 9:05 PM
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