September 26, 2002


Barbra Streisand has reminded Democratic Leader Richard Gephardt in a blistering memo: "Sadam Hussein did not bomb the World Trade Center."

The Streisand memo, released by adviser Margery Tabankin, warns Democrats to "get off the defensive and go on the offensive."

The singeractressdirectorproducer took time out from rehearsals for a performance she's giving on Sunday for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee to remind Gephardt [spelled "Gebhardt" in a faxed memo obtained by DRUDGE] not to "ignore the obvious influence on the Bush Administration of such special interests as the oil industry, the chemical companies, the logging industry... just to name a few."

Streisand notes: "Many of these industries, run by big Republican donors and insiders, clearly have much to gain if we go to war against Iraq."

In a related story, Paul Wolfowitz sent Ms Streisand a memo pointing out that she hit a C-flat rather than a C-sharp in the third bar of Evergreen. Posted by Orrin Judd at September 26, 2002 3:50 PM

From Miles Davis' autobiography:

"One night we were playing at the Village Vanguard, and the owner Max Gordon wanted me to play behind a singer. So I tild him I didn't play behind no girl singer. But I told him to ask Herbie and if Herbie wanted to do it then it was okay with me. So Herbie, Tony, and Ron played behind her and the people loved her. I didn't play and neither did Wayne. I asked Max who she was, you know, what was her name. So Max said, 'Her name is Barbara Streisand and she's going to be a real big star.' So everytime I see her today somewhere I say, 'Goddamn,' and just shake my head."

* * *

But she's helping us win elections, Miles baby. I don't care how
bad that white girl sing!

Posted by: Christopher in DC at September 26, 2002 3:18 PM

The logging industry ? Barbra, tell me, are the States going to attack the Butcher of Baghdad with wooden tall ships ? Or do you mean the wooden pole on which they're going to stick his ugly head ? That won't bring about much profit, because it isn't that big, you know.

Posted by: Peter at September 26, 2002 3:31 PM

Please, everyone, shhhh. Don't do anything to discourage her.

Posted by: David Cohen at September 26, 2002 4:16 PM

Send a memo to Mo Dowd,it's really about the lumber.

Posted by: Mr. Michael La at September 26, 2002 4:18 PM


Like you could stop her with an elephant gun...

Posted by: oj at September 26, 2002 5:24 PM

Drudge inspires a couple of questions about Babs:

-- When does she get a blog?

-- When does she get spell-check?


Posted by: Tom Maguire at September 26, 2002 5:56 PM

Drudge inspires a couple of questions about Babs:

-- When does she get a blog?

-- When does she get spell-check?


Posted by: Tom Maguire at September 26, 2002 5:56 PM

If you've ever seen poll results on name recognition you'll know that no one knows who Gebhart & Dashley are.

Posted by: oj at September 26, 2002 6:26 PM

Sorry to break it to you, Babs, but Ramzi Yousef, the ringleader of the

first WTC bombing, is Iraqi;

Posted by: narciso at September 26, 2002 6:58 PM

She has a website where she spews her political views but she did have the decency to take it all down after the 11th, at least for a while.

Posted by: Henry Hanks at September 27, 2002 12:26 AM

Streisand does this sort of thing all the time. I'm sure the Democratic leaders await her faxes with the same keen anticipation most of us reserve for scam emails from Nigeria.

Posted by: Paul Zrimsek at September 27, 2002 6:50 AM