September 23, 2002
The absent professors (John Leo, Sept. 17, 2002, Jewish World Review)It's not news that college professors are lopsidedly drawn from the political left. But American Enterprise magazine offers some numbers on how heavy the tilt has become. In eight academic departments surveyed at Cornell University, 166 professors were registered in the Democratic Party or another party of the left, with just six registered with Republicans or another party of the right. [...]Campuses have become "ideological monopolies," as American Enterprise says. Graduate students who want to become academics know they can't rise within the system unless they display liberal views. Professors know they are unlikely to get hired or promoted unless they embrace the expected package of campus isms-radical feminism, multiculturalism, postmodernism, identity politics, gender politics, and deconstruction. Remaining conservatives and moderates can survive if they keep their heads down and their mouths shut. Dissent from campus orthodoxy is risky. A single expressed doubt about affirmative action or a kind word about school vouchers may be enough to derail a career.
Ideas are dangerous things, especially if you can't refute them. So it's no surprise that as the Left's dreams died in the rubble of the Soviet Union they chose to isolate themselves from reality.
Posted by Orrin Judd at September 23, 2002 12:40 PM
your response is long and interesting and I'd like to take it to email. Please send to
Noel Erinjeri