December 19, 2009


Finally, the great climate change lie begins to unravel (Gerald Warner, 12/20/09, The Scotsman)

Hans Christian Andersen was outclassed in his home town last week, in the fabrication of fairy tales. The Brothers Grim – Al Gore and Rajendra Pachauri – are possessed of imaginations so rich as to dwarf the inventive powers of conventional storytellers. "Once upon a time," Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change chairman Pachauri opened the proceedings by recycling all the much-loved, if long discredited, bedtime favourites.

Up it came, like the words of Widow Twanky's song at the climax of the pantomime – the notorious CRU East Anglia graph, the tortuous fabrication of which is now familiar worldwide, thanks to leaked e-mails and computer codes. There is not another room in the world where that tired imposture would not have provoked belly laughs; but neither is there one where Robert Mugabe would have received an ovation or "Two-Jags" Prescott been hailed as a crusader against carbon emissions. [...]

Last week, the wheels finally came off the global warming scam. In an ominous development for inventive "scientists", the US department of energy issued a Litigation Hold Notice, ordering the preservation of all e-mails, correspondence and even handwritten notes relating to "global warming, the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in England, and/or climate change science". The lawyers are coming for the climate research manipulators, who have received millions of dollars of American money. Uncle Sam takes that sort of thing seriously: expect Congressional hearings and Grand Juries.

The shock of this move was still reverberating when the Moscow-based Institute of Economic Analysis made grave allegations against the British Met Office's Hadley Centre for Climate Change. It claimed Hadley had cherry-picked just 25 per cent of the data supplied by Russia, discarding the rest. None of the rejected material showed global warming; but urban meteorological stations did, because of the energy generated by cities. On Friday, opinion polls in the United States showed two-thirds of Americans do not believe in man-made global warming.

The gift of 'Climategate' is a fresh start (Mark Davis, 12/19/09, Dallas Morning News)
If I had been told last year that a scandal called "Climategate" would reveal in 2009 the depths of treachery that would infect the so-called science behind assertions of man-made global warming, I would have been thrilled. But I would have asked for just a little extra something.

I would have asked for this monumental and wholly deserved embarrassment to explode just before the opening gavel of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, an orgy of clergy and parishioners in the tawdry church of anthropogenic climate change. [...]

My gratitude knows no bounds. Not just for political reasons; this was a genuinely dangerous cult whose success would have exacted a profound toll on the quality of life of the human race.

Posted by Orrin Judd at December 19, 2009 8:35 PM
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