October 24, 2023


Recognize the CCP's Double Persecution in Xinjiang (Susan Yoshihara & Peter Tozzi,  October 24, 2023, Providence)

The agreed international understanding of "genocide," found in the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, includes atrocities such as the Nazi death camps and also less overt forces designed to eradicate a particular group. This is the reason British and American officials concluded that CCP actions constitute genocide, including the Trump and Biden administrations and the Uyghur Tribunal, an independent court chaired by British barrister Sir Geoffrey Nice.

The CCP's war against Uyghur women is conducted through family planning policies that emerged from decades-long population control strategies and a techno-authoritarian approach seeking to eradicate the Uyghur population. While Uyghurs were targeted during the Maoist era's Anti-Rightist Campaigns, Great Leap Forward, and Cultural Revolution, the Deng era that followed presented a relatively benign period for Uyghurs--ethnic minorities could reap the economic benefits of "reform and opening" and have more children than ethnic Han families. General Secretary Xi Jinping has revived the Maoist attitude towards the Uyghurs with a targeted vengeance. Under Xi Jinping's direct orders, an estimated 1 million Uyghurs have been detained in at least 380 different internment or "re-education" camps in Xinjiang. In these camps, the Uyghurs not only are subject to constant surveillance and ideological campaigns that aim to erode their identity, but also stringent population control measures directed at women.

In 2014, the CCP declared a "People's War on Terror" against the Uyghurs and shortly thereafter the party began to correlate population growth with "religious extremism." This led to noticeable declines in Uyghur population growth within several Uyghur minority counties in 2015, according to a Jamestown Foundation report by Adrian Zenz.

At the same time that it eased its population control policies for China's Han population, with the latest of policies now allowing these families to have up to three children, the CCP imposed harsher restrictions on Uyghur births. Indeed, leaked documents reveal that Xi Jinping has called for their "root and branch" eradication. Thus, the term "genocide" is applicable because the CCP's "intent to destroy" the Uyghur population clearly satisfies Article II of the Genocide Convention. 

No one ever means, "Never Again"
Posted by at October 24, 2023 12:00 AM